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Posts posted by EXXEO

  1. Made a couple of trades ...... seems to have sparked things. Gotta get a couple decent forwards. Also my affiliate team players are not developing well. gonna be some house cleaning me thinks :)

    I think development in general has been slowed so I'm not sure I'd start dealing your prospects immediately unless they haven't been developing over the last few seasons.

  2. Apparently my Biscuit team saw how bizarely my Clapper team could create losses and decided to lose in a new fashion themselves. The team started off strong with two power play goals in the 1st and up until the 6:30 mark in the third had a 3-1 lead. That's when the tide turned and my team while on one their 12 power plays decided to make the match interesting and allow a short handed goal taking it to a 3-2 score. With 3.5 minutes left the Black Flag were back in the PP...to allow them a second short handed goal. The OT is scoreless and it goes to a shootout. We of course lose that and walk away limping with an injury to our top line passer...ouy!

  3. Playing in the GHL is painful to watch. While my team in General is playing ok we find new ways to lose every day! Today my 'Gentle' (yeah, the guy who is afraid to see anyone hurt) spirited Forward, Vachon, decided to knee someone and was called for an obvious Major Kneeing Penalty. Off he goes to spend 5 minutes in the box. This is our only penalty the entire game and it's most likely due to the rage that came spewing from the coach after seeing three goals scored during that one penalty. Slap another standard goal on a few minutes later and my best goalie gets pulled for the night - end of the 1st period: 0-4.


    Oddly enough the next two periods go great and my struggling Goalie now gets a 100% on his saves and we actually score a point - marvelous loss boys, just marvelous!


    Later that day Slaughterville fired their Assistant after his report stated that our team's PK and PP played well against the opponent. Couldn't be that our PP went 0-3 and our PK unit went 3-1, right?



  4. Gotta love this, 2 games in and already 3 injuries... And all 3 in the same game.

    Btw, nice work Erzac!

    How the heck do you have such terrible luck with injuries? Out of curiosity, how old and or how tall are each of your injuries?

  5. Well, it's official we have made it to the bottom part of the Yo-yo pattern and are now heading back up to the GHL next season. Boy I hope we can hang in there longer than one season this time...need to keep building my farm system...let's see that first round pick...pssshh that would be the day!

  6. Nicely Done! Way to take down those Protons! Got to give some mad props to Erzac and BFGore for making it into the GHL next season and also to both the teams who had to attempt a nearly impossible task of promoting via the playoffs. Benoit and his Tomahawks managed to win in their GHL round and Bear Doggit of Horseheads North barely got turned away in a shootout of the last match. Good showing by all of you guys in the SHL- props!

  7. I agree - this is a great idea and awesome thread concept. Also nice to see one of my guys snuck in there from the SHL.  I know Anders was trying to figure out what playoffs looked like in the future, this may be a good solution for those not participating in the playoffs...I like electing a limited amount of players to go play for an alternate All Star team of sorts. This wouldn't give managers a ton of interaction as they wouldn't be managing it but it would be something to monitor and would be better than nothing. It would be fun to have its own interactive message area where managers can also comment and remark. Great ideas everyone!



    "Welcome, this is Butch Sacktooth here at the Storm Update center and we have just received word from the Slaughterville court justice that there will be a counter investigation into the injury of Coquitlam Center, Deslaurier. The letter states that Coquitlam expected foul play as just days prior to the injury the Storm had requested a drugging investigation in concurrence to Sauvage-Abenaquis extensive nausea and poor play following the two team's pre-game match back in mid September. At the team's first regular season match Deslaurier suffered a crippling 37 day upper body injury. No significant proof was found against Deslaurier or Coquitlam but this new finding does make this turn of events quite peculiar. We will keep you updated as new information trickles in."

  9. "Wayne Starblazer here, were back with live post-game updates and we now go to Andrea Killer in the Savage Storm locker room with goalie, Aaron Keene."


    "Thanks Wayne. Aaron, the Storm were relegated last season from the GHL but the team had high hopes of getting back in this season as the squad that finished so well las season hadn't changed at all. This now marks an 0-3 start to the season, what's happening from your perspective?"


    "You know Andrea, it's a bit of a mystery to us as well. Statistically we're playing well. We know we have some work to do on our power play and penalty kill but the squad is feeling good about what's to come."


    "We noticed that Sauvage-Abenaquis left a bit early from the bench today - that combined with his average 8.8 GAA has a lot of people concerned. Is he doing ok?"


    "The team doesn't know one hundred percent what is going on with Gabriele but what I can tell you is that he has never been the same since we had our pre-season match with Coquitlam. Even in the GHL he was averaging an above .900 Save % and the last time we were in the SHL he was one of the best goalies in the league so we have our suspicions. I did see their Center, Deslaurier, pick up his water bottle while there was a scuffle in front of the net. It may have been a diversion that gave him an opportunity to slip something into his drink. GPH authorities are looking into the occupancy as we speak. That's all I can say about the matter. We hope he feels better soon. We need him back at full strength very soon."


    "Wow, terrifying news! Thanks Aaron and best of luck to Gabrielle's recovery. Back to you Wayne."


    "Those *#%^~+, who do they...oh yes, thank you too Andrea... and now over to Brock Longbottom on Slaughterville's next matchup against Pinehurst."

  10. I May have answered my own question. I decided to put my entire team that was eligible to go into the minors down into affiliate teams. That only left expiring contracts or the big 1-way contracts. The total salaries for next season, with everyone else being sent down, is a little over $13 Million. The total 1-way contracts with years left on them is currently near $10 Million. With the massive amount of players in the affiliate leagues I feel as if it has to be counting those contracts also...otherwise I'd have near $9 Million in Minor league contracts and that's just absurd! I guess we will find out soon as relegationis around the corner...

  11. That was an awesome series! The last game ends in extra time (well I guess a championship was determined by a shootout...different topic) but It's great to see two new teams battling it out in the Finals. Very exciting!

  12. My Clapper team is about to be relegated down to the SHL again and while I'm seeing a projected cap for being in the SHL, I'm curious if that's counting contract situations. I have a few larger 1-way contracts that will automatically dissolve with relegation, is it already accounting for the loss of those contracts or does it automatically calculate those players into the mix for the SHL cap for next season?

  13. Here's another idea to add to that. We can't offer trades during post season - totally agree with that but when Day 77 rolls around there is a small window in which human trades can be accepted/made. What is tough to do right now is proposing trades during the playoffs with individuals as neither individual can even view a trade offer to see if it would be feasible on day 77. What if we made it so that you can make trade offers and they can be seen but there is still a block in place (like what happens when there is a salary cap issue) until after the playoffs have concluded?