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Posts posted by EXXEO

  1. Closeout sale has re-opened! Any of my tradeblock guys are open for trade once more. If you guys have any interest in Lavezzi or anyone else shoot me an offer. I'm not looking for much - prospects or picks are preferable and I'm looking for some guys with higherr skating ability. Cheers!

  2. Ok, so all trades for any of my one way contracts are fair game! After evaluating my last few seasons I've come to the conclusion that our team needs a reset. We need to form our identity before hopping back into the GHL. I'm going to be keeping all my two way contracts so let's try and keep them out of the offers. Best of luck!

  3. Hey Guys - regarding my tradeblock, I'm holding off on trades for the moment. After making that initial trade we somehow managed to win three in a row! I'm going to wait to see how we do moving forward. I'll keep you all posted. I just took a look at Rothstein & Chartre (the guys I traded for) and they all have 1-way contracts. Bad move on my part. If you guys want to trade I'll need to have them be non-one-way contracts. That being said Rothstein and Charte will probably end up going on the block if I do decide to prep for demotion.

  4. I'd be in dead last if it were based off of special teams...


    ...oh wait, we are dead last :(


    May be throwing in the towel soon. Updated all my team tradeblock and transfer needs if anyone has any interests.

  5. Hmm - you are probably right there as the one penalty we made was a defenseman on the PK


    I can't run my top players on the top line without them getting fatigued. I'm running their training on easy and they were on Line 1 and PK1 but in the last 2 matches we have only made one penalty - Anders, when the update ran did it effect veteran endurance? Both of my guys are 36. I am still baffled that a 96 and 93 Endurance player can't play the top line without getting tired. Any input would be much appreciated.

  6. The streak of him being Tired continues and my other 93 Endurance, top line D-man is getting gassed all the time now as well. This is putting a lot of strain on my team considering I'm trying to play them less and they are my two best blue liners. I'm not sure if this is a bug but it sure feels odd from all the time I have played this game.

  7. I have a top line Defenseman who has an Endurance rating of 96. He got into the blue tired bar so I took him off all PP and PK lines three days ago and put his training to easy. He has not recovered at all. Usually I'm pretty decent at this balancing game and have never seen anyone with that type of endurance level be tanked for so long. Anyone else experiencing this?

  8. @theweekknights: yeah, meaning looks promising for a youngster. I almost drafted him too- hopefully my New goalie will pan out also. It's difficult to sign top free agents in the GHL because a lot of the best players tend to choose a more tenured, successful team over a newer one.


    @GregJ: I'm still trying to figure out if faceoffs play any importance - wizard, you have any thoughts on that since you don't seem to focus on that as much?

  9. Savage Storm Game 3 Post Game Presser:


    "Coach Rueger, How does it feel to suck so bad?"


    "Thanks for the well thought out question, Chuck. This has been our worst season start of our career and frankly it sucks. I know our guys are eager to get out there but we need to sit down and re-evaluate some things because we're not scoring."


    "Coach, are you affraid of losing your job after this season's 3 shutout start and coming off of several back-to-back 14th place finishes?"


    "Wow Ted, we are three days in and you guys already want to can me? I really just want to focus on what we are doing right and fix the things we see on tape. We have a long road ahaead of us and that's my focus."


    "Slaughterville just released their defenseman, Evanoff, days after being signed to a two year contract. What the heck happened there?"


    "We found out he was a Justin Bieber fan and we really want to keep our team cohesive. It's a shame that people keep secrets like that but I'm sure there is a team out there that would be more than happy to sign a Bieber fan - probably an Edgewood or Canada Creek type of team."


    "That makes sense coach - that's a relief to hear we found that out early in the season!"


    "Thanks for the questions guys - I have a MASH re-run to catch."

  10. Feedback is always good - it's just in the matter that it is given where the challenges arise. Let's just be patient as I'm sure Anders has his hands full and is working on it as much as he can.

  11. I understand that this topic doesn't really factor in for the fast game worlds but for us in slower worlds could we get a general time frame as to when the drafts usually run? I went to sleep last night thinking I'd have a chance to set my priorities before the draft. Woke up at 6AM (New day starts around 4AM) and the draft had already ran. Ultimately I should have had my information lined up but it would be handy to know for the future.

  12. "We are here live at the season 19 Game Plan Hockey draft, Boy has it been a good one so far Tim!"


    "Yeah Joe, the draft has been a deep one full of great talent. Oh, and it looks like the #20 Overall pick from Slaughterville Savage Storm is in, let's head down to Commissoner Granberg to see who they went for after drafting a great Goalie in the 1st Round!"


    "For the 20th pick of the Season 19 Game Plan Hockey Draft the Savage Storm select Goalie, Cory Fulmer."


    "Wait Tim, they chose who?"


    "Yeah Joe, they took another goalie who was slated to be the 167th pick. This is a real shocker - what were they thinking?"


    "Tim, look over at their planning suite, their GM, O'Connor, is sound asleep on the couch - this is not a good look for them as they have already been struggling to keep alive in the GHL."


    "Boy oh boy - what a crappy pick - they really just flushed that one down the toilet!"


    "Yup, I think one of their fans just set their mascot on fire out of pure rage - I'd hate to be in their GM's shoes when he wakes up- ouch!"