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Posts posted by EXXEO

  1. I've been at this for some time and im having a season just like yours in clapper. My team as a whole is performing decent - my goalies are even playing crazy good some days. My GF/GA ratio is +/- 0 right now and I'm sitting in 13th while the 9th place team has scored 20 points less than I have and sits near a -20 in goal differential. I think sometimes you just have bad breaks in this game..stick with it...it just takes time And figuring out how your individual players react to their surroundings. You'll get there .I'm just hoping to avoid the playoffs this year (and not the good kind).

  2. If I were a betting man I would never wage money that any team would have any chance of getting promoted via the playoffs. This season in Biscuit we had three great teams all season; the top team had 151 points while my third place team had 40 wins and 133 points...the 4th place team was 21 points away from 3rd. I even got the team in the playoffs that I was wanting to play - a team that I had handily beat every match in the regular season. I got beat in the first two games of the first round.


    Don't get me wrong - I love routing for the underdog (unless it's against my team) but how often do playoff teams ever make promotion via the playoffs? I think I may have seen two in the seasons I've participated in (and that's in two leagues and over 6 seasons in Biscuit). Am I just imagining that these odds seem slanted for teams to lose?


    And don't take this as me complaining - I really enjoy the odd metrics in the playoffs but some things just seems odd as far as the promotional side of things go.

  3. I understand what you are trying to say but after having our first kid (almost two years ago) I was gone for quite some time due to necessity (and desire)...my team went into holiday and my team got ransacked...if My team were to have followed your guidelines I would have probably come back to my team being dissolved. I think the way it is set right now isn't always ideal for active players but it makes sense as a whole so I'm for it.

  4. I had that happen also - the day after I posted this I had my Top line center go down and got my top line defender back but lost him again in the same day due to a concussion. Weird. We're all healed up now and crossing our fingers for promotion!

  5. My Clapper team has just been mauled this season. At one point 4 of my defenseman were down for extended time and at the moment 1/2 of my top six are injured along with another two individuals still dealing with extended issues. Is the injury bug related to anything specific?

  6. I went to go sign a 21YO from the an international league and found he wanted almost 225K. Normally no big deal but he's a 70 OVR. Why does it cost so much to get international players? That's almost double what a player of that Rating wants in he BHL...

  7. Since the national teams don't have a playoff - would it make sense to end the prospect season on the last day of regular season too? That way you have playoffs to attempt a regular contract with that player before they just sit in your system and then they walk because you don't have an option to negotiate anything?

  8. I agree, I feel as if I used to have players who were disgruntled and they would play decently regardless but of late it sees their performance dips significantly. For instance, both my goalies started off in an ok spot but by the middle of the year they were both angry and wanted to move to a bigger club. I started the season off with a nine game winning streak and then from there it went to the pits. At the end of the season both goalies were playing awful (in the red) and sabotaging my season putting us on the brink of elimination from the playoffs. I moved them both and got a happier/less talented goalie and I've won the last 4 to keep me in the playoffs.

  9. To add onto what rainsilent said - I've had lazy players develop at insane speeds while my ambitious players took their sweet time. There are quite a few dynamics in this game that are unseen and allow us a measure of realism. For instance, when the Browns drafted Johnny Manziel or "Johnny football" - I'd say his stock has steadily declined since he has been drafted...that was unforeseen (at least to the measure that it went) for sure!

  10. I've had this happen as well but currently in my buscuit league I have a team on a 30 game win streak. I was hoping for some of that parity today when I played them - no such luck :(


    There is a dynamic that is built into the game at is unlisted. I can't tell you how often I'll get beat by the worst team after winning a hand full of games against top ranked teams but this adds a measure of realism to the game. I really wish that realism would kick in with my league though....I mean come on 30???

  11. Update: I was incorrect, the gentleman I was attempting to acquire had a two year contract, not one. Also - they have now used all their money elsewhere...bah!


    I find this quite intriguing - even though it made a lot of sense for them to initially go for the trade, they still rejected it. I like it!

  12. So I have a defenseman that I've had since I was in the IHL in Clapper - he's an 83 OVR and quite good. He develops well and offensively he's better than most my forwards. He only has one year left on his contract and I know there is no way I can afford him. Now in the BHL I found a guy in the SHL that looks like a good replacement...he's a 73 OVR and develops similar to my defenseman. They are both 20 and both have one year left on their contract. I've submitted several different trades to this CPU since it is quite the fair trade that I give them my amazing player for one that I would need to develop (they have the cap space to sign him too) but after being rejected several times I'm scratching my head as to how this is happening. Anyone have any ideas?

  13. Yea, it happens...there are hidden factors in the game that dictate a players potential. Hey may grow at an alarming rate but there's always that chance that a player's ceiling could be quite low and it sounds like he may be one of those players. I do find it odd that young players don't just stay level in skill but rather decrease in skill. Maybe there is a hidden "life challenge" aspect to the game where your young player has suddenly got himself hooked on an illicit drug or just likes spending all of his time in the red light district and contracted a lovely infection of some sort thus making him susceptible to skill loss???

  14. To begin the season in Biscuit, our team looked solid with a 9-0 start. We looked unstoppable and I was already getting excited about the chance of promotion. The team's new record is 15-2-1-9 and in the last 10 games we are 3-1-1-5. I know there are some natural slumps that occur within the game - but that big? I'm contemplating changing my entire offensive approach if we can't rebound in the next few games - anyone else experience this dramatic of a change?

  15. My dream Defensive unit is six players like Chara that just go beat the cramp out of everyone - as far as stats go, it would be nice to see a simple breakdown of stats. For instance, a lot of fantasy sports sites give a 1 week, 3 week etc. stat option so that the managers can get a feel for how a player is trending. I've often thought that would come in handy here.