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Posts posted by EXXEO

  1. I've seen a few topics about prospect signing but none in line with mine but I do apologize if I'm repeating a topic here. I can be a bit indecisive at times and the last two seasons in Clapper I've waited until day three of silly season to sign a goalie prospect and each year that I've offered him a contract I don't get a response. It's currently day 6 and it still says, under pending contract offers, that I offered the contract today. Anyone else running into this?

  2. Thanks Steve! That's what I figured - I've gone back and forth as to what I will do. I feel like this might be our year to get promoted in Clapper but that puts me in a bind. The Defenseman that has the 1yr contract is a 76 (which is amazing for the IHL) but is it worth the possibility of not getting promoted and losing him for a better contract situation and a development project or keep him and maybe lose him with the potential to not get promoted...it's also rather difficult to move a player with a one year contract on occasion, even if I try and trade up with the BHL...

  3. Do players improve in their roles as they train up?

    For example, just signed an 18 year old defenceman with decent profile, but he is bad in each role. If I train him hard in Offence, will he eventually get better as an offensive-defenceman?

    From what I've seen, their roles do increase based off of training but as Tutankhamen was pointing out, the line tactic they play in, the overall tactic, and their performance within effects their growth (at least that's what I've seen from my players). I had a player whom I picked up in Free agency who was 18 and had potential but just like your player, had no desirable profiles at the time. I chose his strongest "ok" player role, which happened to be Powerforward, and began running him on my 4th line checking line. From there other traits have developed a bit more quickly due to my overall tactic and while he is now a "Good" Powerforward (which he developed into the quickest), after adjusting his line play tactics and playing time he is a quite well rounded player.


    Long story short - a lot of things factor into role development and player growth. Most are hidden and need to be discovered or simply asked about here - is forum is a great place to learn from. I've gleaned a lot of what I know from asking a lot of questions and getting a lot of good feedback from many more experienced GMs - keep it up!

  4. I'm sure this has already been addressed but I have no idea where to find it. If your team gets promoted (either through being in the top two or rough playoffs) do you get any of the funds from promotion to aid in signing players that you may not have had the cap space for previously? I'm guessing no but it's a shot!

  5. My question is based off of he draft preferences you can set up as a manager. I have a 1st and two 3rds. Now the draft preference has round 1-3 as an option for selection - how does that work for me with two 3rd rounders. The same goes for those with four picks etc?

  6. @thewizard - I did like the gentlemans rule, however, I'm ok with giving up my 1st round picks for core talent (as long as it is an even value trade). Does the rule you've created prohibit that? And I do think you have a point rainsilent on people regarding the rule...

  7. @ rainsilent - regarding privacy etc...I hardly use the chat...maybe I should look into that more often as it is isolated to that world. Also, I've had discussions with the individual and think things have been smoothed out. I don't know if it's necessary to bring it up to Anders if teams alter their tactics - besides, if the picks are actually trending toward SHL picks, in the end it doesn't matter a whole lot anyway...for now.

  8. I'm not trying to say he is cheating Canucks, in fact, if he's using different teams that are not another form of himself, he is just being really good at using the system to his advantage. I've done this before too when I got ticked at everyone for stealing my team while I had to be away for a time...I didn't cheat but looking back on it, I don't know if all my moves were conduct-worthy moves. I want us here in Biscuit to hash out what is a good policy to try and abide by - it may be a fruitless endeavor but we all need to try to get on the same page as to what is and is not acceptable. Like I said, I've been there and am not perfect in any way but we need to have this discussion because I don't want people to up and quit because other people are good at extreme moves.


    I have messaged him as well and re-iterated that I don't think he is cheating per-say...what I do want to do is challenge everyone reading this to ask yourself before a trade if the person (computer controlled or not) you are sending the trade to would offer the same offer to you, how would you react? There needs to be balance.


    P.S. I changed my initial verbiage to be less condemning...

  9. This post is not about the terrible treatment Biscuits receive but rather about what the line of cheating and competitive trading is. For a good example let's take a look at a team in the SHL. The first oddity I want to discuss is how someone in the SHL manages to get 3 GHL 1st round picks - how you ask -trading Terd Ferguson and all five of his cousins to the other team for 3 McDavids. I'm not saying the individual is cheating but I'm not comfortable with what is going on...do you really think this is a fair tactic?

  10. +1


    I enjoyed the HD setup also - I faked a few false headlines on other GMs (I think maybe even your Canucks) about the poor conditions of their team morale and how the team was using them for other labor outside of hockey etc. Fun idea nonetheless...

  11. It's tough getting beat in general but it adds insult to injury when you get owned by a Goalie (or any other player) that is so exhausted they already have a hole dug for them outside for the post game memorial. Is there a way to increase the effect the fitness bar relays actual performance in the game?

  12. I agree that the draft would be a preferable method of building a team. The FA method seems like a battle of monetary weight. Now that I say all this, I've been trying to pick up another D-Man for some time that would be a sufficient backup/replacement. With no luck, I've tried several times; however, yesterday I made two offers to try and increase my chances of getting one...I got both. Needless to say, I'll keep silent seeing as the dam has apparently broken open for signings.


    In leu of FA conversations, how does a player decide to be "consider, might consider, slightly consider, or non-negotiable"?


    Does it change per club or just per league?

  13. I think the next season might be a little less ruthless in part due to the national teams being a bit more stocked than just handed stock teams. I do think that mattiinthehat has a good idea...what if it was based off of their monetary/contract bias - endless you play them, e more likely they get irritated with the club and forfeit their contract.