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Posts posted by MattBerserkers

  1. Injuries strike again causing me to now be out my top 3 players and more! I'm glad I grabbed so many back-up players this season because I am needing them all. Hopefully, after today my bad injury luck will turn around and I will be able to ice the team that I want.

  2. I tend also always keep training on hard and like to give my lines 25-25-25-25 min of ice time. I find it keeps everybody fresh while giving everybody enough ice time to always be improving. The exception is if I have a line that is that much better or worse than my other lines, then I will probably give it a little bit more/less ice time.


    For training, my preference is to train offensive players in either offense or else general; defensive players in either defense or else general, and two-way players in anything. I prefer to keep two-way players rounded, while for offensive/defensive players I think "Are his offensive/defensive stats similar or behind his general stats? If yes, then I set his training to offense/defense. If I decide his offense/defense is far above his general stats, I set the player to general training so that he can up his game in other areas.

  3. Yea, that makes sense. Another idea that I was thinking of was that because some teams are only a win or two away from playoffs, the unwillingness to trade picks could extend out an extra 3-6 points. it could also work similarly for teams relatively close to the relegation playoffs.

  4. I really do think this is a decent solution but where it gets a bit tricky is trying to have the AI understand asset values. For instance, in Clapper, some of the upcoming prospects are nearly an 85 OVR @ 18. The system can't see that a team will be promoting from the SHL and thus trading a future stud for two guys that will take another 5 years of development to reach that 85 OVR. If it was for a true SHL pick, that would be a different story. 


    Yea, that's part of why in my first post I had the suggestion that AI are unwilling to deal away their picks if they are in the top 6 of a league. AI in the GHL top 6 could probably be an exception. The other suggestion mentioned that would help would be the two coming from the other thread where AI teams can't trade any picks/prospects or else can't trade 1st round picks/prospects.

  5. I also notice a bunch of trades where there are a bunch of players going one way and only a pick or single player in return. Perhaps the AI could reject sending/receiving assets that send/receive a difference in assets of more than 3 (awkward phrasing.) 


    EA: 1 asset leaving and 3 assets coming back = acceptable

    2 assets leaving and 4 coming back = acceptable

    1 asset leaving and 4 assets coming back = unacceptable

    2 assets leaving and 5 assets coming back = unacceptable.


    This would allow for some weirder trades involving human managers to still go through, but really limit the exploitation that can be done to AI.

  6. I was thinking that maybe we should start a discussion to help give Anders ideas for whenever he has time to readdress and fix trading with AI. I would have started this discussion in that trade abuse thread, however, that thread has become a bit toxic. Please do not argue who is wrong and who is right in this thread as I wish to stay on topic. And don't call anyone a hypocrite for their suggestions because the people who manipulate the current system probably know best what should be changed to make trading fairer.

    *note: In this thread, we should assume that trading with AI will continue to be allowed.


    Suggestions I recall from the trade abuse thread:

    - AI is unable to trade picks/prospects

    - AI is unable to trade 1st round picks/players until they hit 21.


    My ideas:

    -AI in the bottom 6 are unwilling to acquire 1-way contracts (We might soon be relegated and are unwilling to acquire 1-way players that we might soon lose.)

    -AI in the Top 6 are unwilling to trade away any picks (We are in a playoff spot and do not wish to trade away our picks because they might soon become a lot better.)

    -AI are unwilling to acquire players with 1 year remaining on their contract after day 50 (It's almost the end of the season and we do not want to trade away our long term team chemistry for something short term.)


    These are the suggestions coming from the top of my head, I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks as well.

  7. Playoffs are the same world to world. The only oddball playoffs would be the "promotion" playoffs in the GHL where the teams are instead competing for the championship. To start, teams who finish 1-2 are automatically promoted to the higher league, one league closer to be able to compete for the GHL championship. Teams 15 and 16 are automatically relegated because they were not good enough to be competing in their current division. The promotion playoffs, which are for teams 3-6, are for teams who probably just barely missed out on a chance for promotion and would probably be able to compete fairly well in the next division. To make it fair with how the teams finished, team 3 plays team 6 and team 4 plays team 5. They play 3 full games (with a decided winner each time) and then the two teams that win get to play the two relegating teams for a chance to earn promotion. The relegating teams (teams 13-14) are just competing to keep their spot in their current division whereas the promotion playoff teams are competing to take their spots.


    The teams that do not play any playoffs did not perform well enough in the season to be considered potentially good enough to play in the higher division, but at the same time, too good to be playing in the tier below. Hope this helps.

  8. I disagree with you Haradrim that no players are untouchable. Think Edmonton is gonna move Connor Mcdavid? For Edmonton to consider anything, the cost would likely be too high for any other team to really consider it. However, if you really want an untouchable player, it's still possible to open up trade talks by sending the other gm a message. I've acquired a couple "untouchable" players over the seasons using this method. I like the option because it really prevents others from wasting my time with bad offers which is the main reason I support Ineffables suggestion to allow draft picks/prospects have the untouchable option.


    I would also support disallowing CPU teams to both trade away and acquire 1st round picks. Although I don't think it would at all be necessary to block the movement of CPU 2nd and 3rd round picks, they rarely seemed to be involved with anything season changing.

  9. I guess the first gm game I played was the gm mode within the EA NHL games. I favored the mode because I always found it more fun to be playing a team of my own creation rather than the teams that some real gm has assembled. Eventually, I wanted a game with more depth and decided upon the recently released football manager game. The toughest part was probably the fact that I hardly knew nothing about football/soccer and therefore had to learn the strategies and desired players. I enjoyed it enough that eventually, I bought a few other gm games such as EHM, OOTP and that Euro Truck simulator game (does that count?) However, more recently I've acquired more priorities business in my life and as a result was looking for a smore simple game. Eventually I found gameplanhockey through a reddit comment on /r/hockey and have been pretty satisfied since.

  10. You've got a pretty good team that can even withstand a bunch of injuries, so I think you will get a promotion whether through placing top 2 or winning a playoff series. You've only had 1 3 game losing streak, which in my opinion is common even for top teams, and have since won your last game. My only recommendations would be to swap out Ostlund to a guy with better leadership in order to get your team's teamwork to harmony and to make sure you rotate your goalies when they are tired so that they perform better.


    edit: Teamwork might also improve if you make Purcell the captain over Luby and it should also aid in not underestimating your opponents during a game.

  11. I was wondering if the game could show whether a manager is active outside of just to team->team info or trading section. My idea would be to show an orange dot in the standings rather for vacationing managers rather than the blue dot. It would be a minor change, however, it would save people 2 seconds. :D 

  12. Yes... My negotiation skill...  I'm glad that glitch is fixed (I think) and Tal Lowe is only playing on my 4th line because it's where he fits best. Although, getting to keep him is a major plus for me. 


    Everything else about this season has been a pleasant surprise for me. At the start of the season, I thought that our goalie situations would actually be switched around and that I would have struggling goaltending and that you would have an amazing tandem. I thought this would just be a development season for Konchesky. 


    I think you will finish top 2 for sure, especially because you have 1.5mil of cap space which could be used on another stud goaltender that hopefully actually performs. My guess is that without any major injuries the end of the season will look like:


    1. Montemorency Vortex

    2. Pinewood Lumberjacks

    3. Merrick Thunder

    4. Portland Cyclones

    5. Yonker Vixens


    Although, I bet at least 1 of us will fall.

  13. edit* Season 8, my finger slipped....


    We seem to have the least active forum page so I thought that I might start something.


    It seems we have a really close competition for the top of the Silver hockey league. After 10 games, the top 5 teams are all within 2 points of one another and a couple other teams are 1 win away from being in the same position. After 50 more games, who do you guys think will finish top 2, who do you guys think will have a big streak of bad luck and fall behind?

  14. Would prefer to see it happen a bit more gradually fro age 35-36 or so, but maybe just needs some finetuning.


    I haven't really followed any older players as I haven't sought after anyone 35+ until the start of this past fishbowl season, so I don't know how the regression system really works. However, I do notice a lot of great veteran players at the top levels. I just assumed it worked like how you suggested already, but if it doesn't I definitely support this idea. Maybe the average player could lose a point or two starting at age 33 and then start to gradually increase in their regressions to the point where they drop to how it currently is at age 38. Kind of like rolling a snowball. That way it would be a bit less surprising when older players do drop in skill.

  15. At that age, I actually think it's fine, especially because I feel like there is an oversaturation of talent. Although rare in reality, some players do seem to just jump off a cliff.


    My opinion is just let it be. It's a risk people should be taking by signing older players that just didn't pay off for you. As much as people don't like to admit it, winning still requires a bit of luck.

  16. With a faster speed too.

    I can't seem to find the page, but previously the fastest speed lightning (a game every 3h) was removed because it was causing too many problems with the simulator and always breaking causing the world to be constantly paused. If limiting the fastest game speed to a game every 6h prevents these issues, then I think the game is already as fast as it needs to be.

  17. I find that the bigger the player, the less they seem to get injured, although it might just be m luck as well. My most recent season, I had maybe 5 or 6 injuries in total with most of them lasting a single day or less and two of the injuries actually came on the last day of the season. All but one of my players were above 6ft, and the one guy was 5'11". I don't really look at weight, though, but I imagine that there is a big correlation with height. 


    I don't necessarily agree with a durability rating as human players would sign a guy with a lowish rating, effectively letting already almost teams become perfect teams in the higher leagues. There would also be no need for backup players because who cares about them if you know your team is unlikely to get injured. In my opinion, that would remove some realisticness from the game and reduce some of the appeal for me. Besides, a player's bio will list past injuries and I find that injury prone players are more likely to have that page filled with injuries. So, I think it's already pretty possible for managers whom do their research to avoid most players that are prone to injuries.

  18. I think I see the problem. Try zooming out your browser, the stats stretch to your screen. If they don't all fit, certain stats will not be shown probably to keep the game looking clean.


    edit: Here's what I mean, rather than zoom in, I just shrunk my window to show the difference. -> Here's a link, my photos were kinda big.

  19. Basically my title. It would be nice when offering a contract or when looking at a players transfer screen to be able to see his potential cap hit in another league in case you are about to be promoted or relegated or are considering to move him. I just earned a promotion this season and am wanting to offer some contracts to players, but everybody wants a promotion clause and I have no idea how much would affect my cap, so I am hesitant to put any pen to paper.

  20. I agree with your point that guys above 35 should regress more. I just did not want to suggest it myself as I think that was a change in the most recent update, so I'd like to see how much it changes things before suggesting that the regression for aging players is boosted even more. Although, I could be mistaken and the change might only affect the chances that an older player could still improve.

  21. Wouldn't increasing the cap just add to the problem? Maybe the formula for creating new players could change in order to avoid the oversaturation of top-top players generated in the game. I'm thinking of something similar to EHM where regens are just the potentials and mentalities taken from retired players and then re-used for the players created in a new season. Or else a different change could be widening the range of hard-cap potentials and reduces the number of players that can reach above 90 overall. Both options would probably take a lot of work to implement, but they would both increase the need for specialized players rather than just being able to ice 4 lines of perfectly rounded players as it would reduce the supply of almost perfect players.