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Posts posted by MattBerserkers

  1. First off, it's currently the playoffs and so you shouldn't be able to trade anybody anyways. If you can, that's a bug and should be reported. Second off, because I know trades can happen on the last day of the season, you still need to worry about your cap hit this season for trades. The players might only be on your team for half a day this season, but the salary still matters. You need to clear cap space by either trading away more salary (which is probably harder) or by releasing players. Only then will any trades be able to go through as long as it is the last day in the season.


    Free agents are a bit different in that as soon as the regular season ends, the free agents won't be able to join you team until next season, so they don't have to worry about the current seasons cap.

  2. It could also be spaces. I know one time in the past I accidentally hit the spacebar before typing my numbers and it took me forever to figure out what I was doing wrong. Maybe just re-try signing the agent next time you're on just to make sure there wasn't anything extra where the numbers go.

  3. This isn't really a bug, I'll try to explain:


    I know that there used to be a greed attribute and there might have been a loyalty thing too. I think they still exist as hidden attributes in the game. 


    I think the real problem is the amount of players within the game. Players seem to ask for the most money during playoffs and free agency and rightfully so because they want to get paid. However, just passed free agency, players begin to get worried that they have no team to sign with and decide to lower their salary demands in hopes another team will sign them. Some money is better than no money.


    I've actually got a BHL team in biscuit that I decided to try and build a team around this fact. My team wasn't completed until something like day 10 and l lost a few games within that period, but now in day 47, I am in first place. The teams around me have players of similar skill and price, but they've been growing them for several seasons. My guys also only wanted 1 year contracts because of the fact that I get to pay them less, so if the team does earn promotion there's no horrendous contracts that I'll need to find a way to move, but if I somehow don't get promoted, I get to try some new chemistry next season and won't have to bring back any underperforming player. And there's honestly no risk because of the number of players in the game. The guy I might go want might get taken by another team in free agency, but so what? I can wait a few extra days and sign a star that should be in the league above me for cheap. I think this tactic would work in every league excluding the GHL simply because are no star players that will drop from a higher league and anybody worth signing will be immediately signed.


    The reason that I think fewer players in the game would reduce is because the majority of stars would be taken before they get to a point where they will sign for cheaper than they are worth.


    As for my suggestion, I posted something here a while back that would reduce the number of free agents.

  4. Make sure that you're saving any changes with the green button at the bottom of the screen. If you are doing that, it's probably a bug and so you should post your team name + world so that Anders can check it out.

  5. As of now, there is nothing that prevents people from having multiple 1st round picks. I know that this is a discussion that always brings up bad arguments, so I'm not gonna really argue any side for AI trading, but I will mention that it's recently gotten a lot harder to get picks from AI and I think if human managers want to trade 1st round picks between one another, then let them have at it as they are probably both trying to do what's best for their team.


    EDIT: Had something weird happen that highlighted my text, so I fixed it by copy pasting it somewhere else and back here, accidently pasted it here twice :P

  6. If it is silly season (first 3 days of season), it should be coming off of the current season's cap. If you're offering the contracts at the end of your current season, then it'll affect next season's cap.


    If you think there's a bug, take a screenshot and post it in this post.

  7. Which prospects are you watching? It could just be that there's a bug that's preventing the game from showing player progress over a couple seasons. Another possibility is that recall that the player development was happening way too fast before but was recently slowed down. So it could be that you're expecting that fast development or else that some young players might have already hit the peak their development and won't make much more progress.


    I've had a few of my own players progress and it seems to be happening at a similar pace to other worlds, so I don't think that there's anything to be concerned about.

  8. I've always found training players in this game to be a bit lackluster as I'm always guessing which option will train the trait on a player that I want him to improve the most. For instance, does a player best get more physical by training offense, defense or general? My guess would be through defensive training, but I'm not confident in that answer as I can see arguments for the trait best belonging in any of the options. If you plan on keeping the current system, my suggestion would be to add a help button similar to the one that you have for tactics.


    If you're open to changing the system, here's my main idea:


    My biggest annoyance with the current system is that often I have one trait that I need to really train, say puckhandling, but overall want the player to get better defensively. I can't really do that right now, it's one or the other. My suggestion is to have all traits train at the same place, but let managers prioritize training any countless number of traits. Maybe even add an option to ignore training specific traits. Obviously, if a manager set to prioritize training to all player traits, it would have the workout the same as having nothing prioritized. The hard/medium/light training thing could probably also continue working in the same or similar way.


    I'll use some numbers to help everyone visually imagine how my suggestion would work out, just know that I'm choosing almost completely arbitrary and the math could be improved. 


    Say no traits are prioritized, then training would boost each of the 10 traits evenly.

    Say 1 trait is prioritzed, then 30% of the total training time would be dedicated to that one skill, while 70% would be split between the none prioritized skills. (I randomly selected the 30%, there's no real reason to it.)

    Say 2 traits are prioritized, then the 2 prioritized skills would evenly split 51%(30% + 30% of the 70%) of the training time while the other 7 skills would split the remaining 49% of the time. (Again the new 30% is randomly chosen and then the number could probably shift.)

    This would continue until all 9 skills are prioritized, and everything is corrected so that they are all evenly trained.


    Another similar option would be to have multiple priority levels.

    Eg: Puck handling and shooting are given top priority, skating is given the next level of priority and the remaining skills are left at a default priority.


    Puck handling and shooting would split 51% of the training time.

    Skating would get 9.8% (20% of the remaining 49% of time)

    And the remaining skills would split the left over time. (In this case 39.2% of training time, which would work out to 6.53333% of the time per remaining skill.)


    Let me know what you guys think and how you think the interface should look, I've got a few ideas in my head, but I want to hear what you guys would imagine as well.

  9. I do disagree with the majority of the options for a variety of reasons I don't feel like typing. But this suggestion is very interesting.

    New teams can only trade 2/5/10/whatever % of their salary cap in the first X games


    I think it'd even be fun to have the rule for all teams to adhere to during the season. Say unlimited movement during the offseason and something like only being able to trade away say 50% of your cap. This would only affect outgoing players, not inbound players.

  10. Off the top of my head, I'm thinking a series of strikes. Say a person trades with a team freshly taken over, a strike hits their account. If it happens again, they get punished. To prevent accidental punishments, these strikes should disappear after say 30 days. The team freshly taken over status should also have a limit of at least 10 days before it disappears. The cheaters I've noticed all made trades with multiple teams in quick succession, so something like this would only target the worst of the worst.

  11. I think you're forgetting that people can create multiple accounts with different emails. Sure it's against the rules to have them join the same world, but is that really gonna stop a person already planning to cheat. It's part of the reason I think that a more sophisticated system would be required. 

  12. It would be a decent deterrent. My only issue is new players. The first thing most new players want to do is to make a trade and make their new team their own. If they can't do that for 10 (say slow world) days, will they wait, or will they just give up and abandon their team? I really don't know, but it's something to think about.


    But yeah, if you've already decided to play this game, I agree that 10 days would be nothing. I think something like this would need a more sophisticated system.

  13. I've done almost the exact same thing before! 


    There is a confirmation button, so chances are you didn't report anybody, although, with a bit of bad luck like me, you somehow confirmed it. If the double click hit outside of the report box, it just excited the report screen.


    What happens with the report is the person reported gets a notification saying that they were reported (doesn't say who sent the report) which basically warns the person that they might be doing something considered cheating by their fellow players. However, nothing will happen unless the same person gets a few reports against them, in which case they'll be suspended for a few days. I'm not too sure what happens if there is only one report, as in if it stacks with a 2nd report say a year later or else if it disappears from your account after some time.


    The consequences of cheating can be found here