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Posts posted by MattBerserkers

  1. I probably wouldn't sign up as I like the promotion system and don't have an infinite amount of time. My conference suggestion is that maybe have the two worst teams in each division gets reshuffled in their divisions. I don't think basing the divisions around actual locations would work considering how often teams are moved around.

  2. I would love a roster limit. +1 to that idea.


    edit: Although you would have to take into consideration the affiliate teams whenever they come out; meaning it should be a little bit higher whenever that update is released. For that, my suggestion would be 50 signed contracts (like the NHL). However, as of now without  the update, that 50 wouldn't at all feel like a roster limit.

  3. I'm not entirely understanding what you mean by this. Are you talking about forcing a team to keep salary of a player after trading him away for a draft pick, then I completely disagree. If you're talking about having the ability to retain a bit of salary when trading, similar to the NHL, then I think it would be a cool feature. However, I like the current development plan and would like to see it worked on more before a feature like this.


    And I disagree with you as well junior, if either of these was implemented, there would still be a lot of trading. Trades are done to improve a team and that means there are a lot more possibilities in trades than just giving away cap.

  4. Yes, but taking a free player from the losing team just doesn't happen outside of things such as card games. If you badly want a reward, make it something that an actual hockey team would be competing for such as a cash prize or trophy. In my opinion, the format doesn't need any award, it's preseason and in reality, is more so used to get a better sense of a team's players and chemistry.

  5. I like the idea, but not the part for selecting a free player. Raising a team's confidence and tactic proficiency should be a high incentive on its own. It also wouldn't be fair to anybody if a team wins and then gets to select a good player that puts them over the salary cap. Finally, the reward just does not make sense from a European perspective. Why should they lose a good player just for more "exposure"? Wouldn't the league gain more exposure by actually have the notable player play regularly in their own league? Not to mention, they all already have their own league reputations, some better than some of the human-played leagues.



    Other than the reward, it's a fun idea.

  6. As mentioned, yes, and that includes any extension contracts already signed even though they don't start until the following season.


    edit: Maybe that last bit I mentioned should be added to the help files as I don't see it there and I remember that it confused me the first time the system came out.

  7. This is more of a suggestion because I'm not really a message delete type guy. The suggestion is fairly simple and would just allow users to star/pin/bookmark messages that they want to keep. The message would then stay at the top of the inbox until unbookmarked while new messages would start taking up the following inbox spots. I think this would aid in keeping messages that manager might want to re-read easy to find and also prevent messages from disappearing in 10 seconds when shortlisted players and prospects get a what must be a million offers from different teams.


    Any thoughts or comments?

  8. I'll start by saying there are a few ideas Anders is wanting to implement that I think should take a huge priority over this suggestion if it is accepted by the community.


    Over the few months that I've played this game so far and monitored the forums I've noticed occasionally a comment will come up with the "unethical" or "abusive" trades people notice that other players make. I'll be honest and say that with the recent update with the 20-day lock, trades have looked cleaner and there have been far fewer negative comments on the forums. However, it still doesn't prevent teams from reaching down to steal essentially a free pick from the AI, a pick that typically turns into a top pick that will benefit the team immediately next season. There are often gentleman rules advocate not cheaply getting a top pick, but if someone doesn't agree to abide by the rules, they are going to get the pick.


    My suggestion is to add a "house rules" vote near the end of every season for each league in each world. For example, the GHL teams could vote on not allowing them to trade for the 1st round SHL picks, or the BHL picks could ban themselves from trading any picks. For a suggestion not related to picks, perhaps a league feels the 20-day trade limit is too much and should only be 10-days, or else think it is too little and want to up the restriction to 30-days. And as mentioned, the votes would reappear at the end of his season to allow managers to revote if they don't like the current set of house rules.


    My only gripes with my suggestion would be that the menu would probably appear clunky in a rather clean game. It would probably also be complicated to implement and therefore take a while to design. And as mentioned earlier, I'd rather Anders use that time to build other features he has planned that I think are cooler :P



    Anyways, any thoughts on the suggestion?

  9. I feel the same about Fishbowl for the same reasons mentioned. My only problem is that 2/3 of the lower 3 leagues always feels full of inactive managers.


    After leaving lumber for a bit, I just took over another team. The reason I chose lumber is because I want to try a little experiment with growing ~45 overall, young players into players that can get signed and actually play in the higher tiers.

  10. No, each skill category can upgrade multiple times a season. The bar resets every point upgrade. Also, lots of players can still improve in their 30's, albeit a bit slower. How much players improve is related to their hidden potential, current ability, practice intensity, and playtime.

  11. My only arguments would be 

    a ) prospects from season 4 and season 5 didn't get the full development time in the minors. Give it time and we might find out some players drafted in the bhl or shl in the first couple drafts should have actually been top picks.


    b ) Not every draft in the NHL has had amazing top prospects that have an immediate or even big impact on the NHL. Just look at Patrik Stefan, Nail Yakapov, and even the scouting reports for this upcoming draft with Nolan Patrick. If the draft is working fine for other game worlds, I would just classify the season 6 draft to be like these unfortunate top picks.

  12. There have been a number of really good short players in the NHL (Johnny Gaudreau, Martin St.Louis). However, the only good player that I can think of that is as small as the range you mentioned was Theo Fleury. 

    (edit: I missed where you already mentioned this little tidbit :P)


    I do recall reading something on these forums that early in this games development, for whatever reason, this game favoured generating really short players. Being that fishbowl is a slow world, these short players are likely all still in their prime which is why it is so noticeable.


    I know a few decent short players that could probably make the NHL but don't solely because of their size and are forced to play in the AHL or move and play in Europe. Maybe players that have the overall to play in a higher league, but are under a certain height could be more willing to sign in a league considered to be under their skill level as that's where they would be more appropriately effective.


    Also, I disagree about the goalie thing. There have been a few hot-headed goalies in the NHL that I can name off the top of my head including Ron Hextall and Patrick Roy.

  13. If you are being promoted, I think you can use next years salary as soon as your promotion is confirmed. However be careful, if a player signs before you are actually placed in the next league, his promotion clause will still kick in even if his new contract won't actually start until the next season.


    Could you point out teams that are cpu.. i somehow don't see who is cpu or not. Is it best just to pm before every trade to make sure it's human?





    Just check standings and any human-controlled team will have the blue dot like you mentioned earlier. And from experience, some managers don't bother reply to a message, they just respond to trade offers, so don't worry about them.


    And for your comment about black panthers, I'm not 100% sure on what you are asking. But managers that don't login for 12 in-game days will be put on holiday and become controlled by the computer. However, to limit trade abuse, the computer will not make any trades on the team until the manager is actually fired due to inactivity.

  15. Signed up temporarily for a UAT team and the update looks awesome. However, it also got me wondering for another stat. Is it also possible to see how often a team has possession of the puck while a specific player is on the ice?

  16. Ok, so yes their clauses kicked in, but fortunately, they only went up about 100k which is manageable. Maybe as a suggestion for the finances next season, show the 3 cap possibilities: promotion, same league, and relegation. And for each possibility, show your teams cap hit after promotion clauses as well as dropped 1-way players as this is probably what confused me.

  17. Well damn, I might've accidently screwed myself. I was able to approach and sign two big contracts at above 500k for two guys with overalls of 78 and 79. I was in the ihl (still am at the moment) when I offered the contracts on day 67, but the game had already given me the bhl salary cap for next season. I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens.

  18. To give a little bit of background, my team has just won promotion and I have started offering contracts to players for the start of the next season. My question is that if I add the promotion option on the new contract, will it add extra salary at the start of next season? Or will the promotion clause not take effect unless I manage to get a promotion again?

  19. What seems to be the main problem with abusive trades is that the manager may benefit from an abusive trade for seasons, so what is a 2 day suspension (if the manager gets suspended) for seasons with an all-star player?  So the main problem is that there is no system now to reverse an abusive trade.  Anders doesn't want to deal with that and I think we can understand it would put him in a difficult situation and would be to much management.  So, how we deal with that?


    The voting system seems to be a good idea and the trading status (team info) may not be used to his full potential.  Here's an idea.  Why isn't it a buffer time in which a trade could be reversed if there is many disapproved votes?  2 games? 5 games? Whatever.  The trade is done and completed but, using a similar system than the one that leads to being suspended, the trade can be reversed.  And to prevent doing abusive trades over and over again, the trading status may change trading option of an "abusive manager" so it becomes more and more restrictive.


    I know it isn't perfect and similar systems have ended to being a major problem in other simulation games, but we will have to make a choice eventually between having a voting system, that can lead to some abuse, and a automatic system, that can lead to some abuse too.  I do trust managers more that a automatic system, but that's just me.


    I did a quick try in Mitts lately.  Computer trading seems to be a lot more difficult.  That should be a major improvement toward this problem.


    Nicolas Senet


    Again, I have seen a voting system destroy a community before, so I do not want to support that type of system. In theory, it sounds good, but people can get very petty and then ruin the system. Personally, I'd like to see Anders continue to update the game and continue to add more features rather than have to focus on abusive players. I'd also like to see the new system in play for a few seasons before more asking for more restrictions. Now an idea referencing your first paragraph, what if suspended players were also given a salary penalty. The example in my head would be the following:


    Manager gets suspended, then team is given a 5% cap hit to their team for the remainder of the season. Manager gets suspended again, team gets another 5% cap hit for the remainder of the season for a total of a 10% cap hit. If the same manager still has control of the same team at the start of the next season, last seasons penalty cap hit will be reduced by 5% and the remainder of the cap hit will remain. Else if there is a computer or a different manager at the start of a new season, the entire penalty cap hit is dropped.


    Sure, this system wouldn't be perfect either. The team would still get a cheap all star, but the benefit of that asset is reduced since the manager would have less cap for other players. It could also be argued that if the acquired player puts the manager right at cap, an added cap hit wouldn't really do anything. However I argue back that a manager who traded his/her way to a cheap all star will probably try to make more trades to even better his/her team, and being forced over the salary cap will really limit possible moves. The 5% number I randomly chose, but it's my opinion that anything less couldn't really be considered a deterring penalty. I'd also say the base number shouldn't be anything over 10% as that could over penalize new managers that wish to take over a penalized team. I'd like to hear your guys thoughts on this idea if people think a new system is still really needed.