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Posts posted by MattBerserkers

  1. rain silent maybe you shouldn't be speaking for Anders?   Because I think many of us read those links, and now some of us are reporting the results.  


    I'm sure Anders will adjust or tinker to improve the system as there are a lot of moving parts.


    You insulting owners probably won't help the process.


    I don't see how he is speaking for Anders, he is just stating the facts previously given to us. And I think you read his tone wrong as I don't think he's insulting you, just pointing out how to deal with injuries and mentioning that sometimes, it's down to luck.


    As for your original suggestions, I think CPU trading is a lot better. You now have to give something of value that the CPU wants in order to get anything of value back. For server speed, that takes time and I'm pretty sure Anders tries to keep it as fast as possible, but every update with new content is going to inevitable slow the game down a tad. Also, our last update has noticeably gotten the game to run faster.


    I do agree with your mention of player degradation. Right now it needs to be fixed, but before this last update, there were too many prospects developing too quickly and people were calling for the oldest players to degrade a little bit faster as they remained in their prime too long. It looks like a delicate balance that will probably take multiple updates to get right.


    Finally, I don't think it's fair that you are comparing our time to Anders time spent on this game like they are equal. They are not. We only have to spend a few minutes a day to enjoy this game, Anders has to spend hours writing and fixing code. Sure it's something he does for fun, but too many of our own immediate demands can burn him out and make this feel like a job. I'm probably speaking for him there and he can correct me if I am wrong, but it's something I've seen happen before. So just have a bit patience while we wait for a fix.





    Exxeo, did that 19-year old play in juniors? If he did, he looks like he was barely progressing before this last update, I actually think that his max potential might be around 83ish overall.

  2. I know that the standings will sometimes have a weird bug where it places you in the wrong spot, that'll fix itself after the next game. If you go to the actual standings page, I think it should display correctly.

  3. Just a heads up for my fellow silver league managers; all my players 80 overall or less are for sale. I'm looking for GHL eligible players or else prospects and draft picks. Other players can also likely be moved for the right price.


    team link:


    Please private message me either through the game or else the forums if you have any offers. Good luck to all the teams in their respective playoffs!

  4. Looks like he was drafted as a 2nd round bhl and then traded to the chariots in season 7. Hint: You can see a player's history the player's bio page :). As far as the draft pick goes, his skill at that age is a gem for where he was picked. Unfortunately, young guys will usually take 1 to 2 seasons in order to get competitive in the league they were drafted, but if you think it will take you a few season in a league in order to earn a promotion, prospects are great assets. Just realize that if you are utilizing them enough to improve their skills quicker, you will likely finish in mid to bottom rankings, but if you survive, the payoff can be huge (a couple guys similar to Chapdelaine).

  5. Wow! Was not expecting Merrick to lose the first two games, they're now really looking from the outside in. Unfortunately for me, I'm starting to pick up injuries again, however acquiring Greenwood might've saved me considering the most recent position lost.  At this point in the season now, it's looking like other teams hopes my Lumberjacks rack up at least two losses in the last 5 games otherwise I clinch 2nd place The other possibility is I get 1 loss and Portland gets a few massive wins to make up the 27 goal differential advantage I have on him, but that seems unlikely.


    Playoffs look extremely hard for teams who end up looking for a promotion through them. Of teams in the SHL, I think Vortex is the only squad with a chance, but they've already clinched #1. For us other teams, it's really just throwing the dice and crossing our fingers.

  6. I'm excited to see if Merrick can keep their spot, or lose it. They've got the hardest end to their season and have to play each of the other top 5 teams once more each while everyone else in the top 5 only has to play Merrick once more as their real challenge in the final leg of the season. That's not meant as a shot to any other team in the league, but, there is a little bit of an evident drop-off after us.


    It's also interesting because asides from Montmorency and unless Merrick loses more than 2 games to us combined, Merrick will essentially be eliminating teams as they currently have both a 2 point lead on 3rd and a decent goal differential lead on all of us.


    I think it will come down to the last game of the season between the Lumberjacks and the Thunder before everything is set in stone for 2nd place.

  7. That actually might have accidently been me, Roland, so I apologize. I think when I tried to message you, I hit that action button looking for a "new message" menu option, but I miss clicked my mouse and it inconveniently double-clicked on the report button. I thought it double-clicked but exited the report menu which is why I didn't apologize yesterday. My mouse unwantedly double clicking is a reoccurring thing, however, it doesn't happen enough for me to want to replace it.


    I could be wrong though and it might have been on my lumber team that my mouse miss clicked on as I was messaging someone there as well and there it might have done what I thought. However, if it was me just know that it was a complete accident. Fortunately, I don't think one report should do anything to your account.



    Side suggestion: There should totally be a Send message button under the action bar on a teams page, that's typically where I go try and send a message before I remember where the actual button is located.

  8. I actually think the playoffs are fine and find that there are quite a few teams that do manage to earn promotion through them. The exception is probably the GHL that I don't see playoffs happening. It's also nice having a range of spots in the game that tells me that my team is playing fairly well, or else that I really need to improve my team. Sure you could tell yourself that without any of the playoffs, but the reward/danger just would not feel the same. 


    Side note: If I make the GHL this season, I'll have carried a goalie I acquired in the IHL all the way to the GHL who can at least be a backup in the league. He was even in the LIHL while I was in the LIHL, albeit on a different team. Rare? Sure, but it is possible.



    *I didn't notice you mentioned SHL playoffs in particular, which would be interesting. I like the consistency of the playoffs from LIHL to SHL, but think your idea is neat.

  9. By certain playoff games, I mean game 3 of a series after one team has already won 2 of the games. The series is already decided, so why should I as a manager be risking players to injuries for a pointless game if it will only hurt me in later rounds of the playoffs? Especially if I am aiming for promotion and have to play some relegation teams that have just had a chance to rest and heal their roster.

  10. The all green players thing was a concern of mine as well, although if you check current teams, the are many computer and human managers that have signed players with red traits so I don't think the effect would be too drastic. Also, the green players already exist in the game so if people only want to sign those types of players, they already can.


    For your second point, I used to think the same idea as I thought it would make sense that a player would want to play anywhere rather than sit a year. However, if you consider that every league would slowly be getting better and better, then after 20-30 seasons or less I definitely think that the talent would be so outspread that LIHL teams would be signing players from the same pool of free agents as the GHL. The way to prevent that would be to have a cap somewhere that prevents players from joining far below their skill which is pretty much the system in place now.

  11. Okay, so my idea is not quite as exaggerated as my title suggests, but it is still a suggestion to reduce the number of active players in the game.



    My idea is simply that players above a certain age (25?) who remain unsigned after a full season have a chance that they decide that it is time to hang up their skates and retire from hockey. And the chance that they decide to retire early goes up with the number of consecutive seasons without being on a team. This chance would be added to however you have it set up with age now.


    Because I've been doing a lot of math today, here's a formula for how I am imagining it would work :


    if Age >= 25 and #SeasonsNoTeam > 0

    (%Chance)=((#SeasonsNoTeam)^2 * 2.5%)


    I think the 2.5% is fair because a player would still have the determination to succeed after only missing a single season and therefore a low chance of deciding to retire early, however, a player missing 6 seasons would be pretty sure that his career is over (having a 90% to retire with the equation) and a player who missed 7 seasons in a row would definitely decide to retire early. Also, remember that they should be added to whatever formulas you already have involving so an older player missing a few seasons would also be pretty much guaranteed to retire a bit earlier.


    This idea stems from the fact that at the end of the season in Lumber there are currently 4883 free agents and a good portion of them are unlikely to ever get a contract offer. For a slower world, there are currently 2908 free agents in Fishbowl. I think it would also help with the oversaturation of players that we see in a lot of leagues as there will be fewer players available. It might also help keep the game running faster if the unused players are putting any strain on the server.


    So what do you guys think?

  12. You are correct in thinking that their salaries will increase even with the extended contract if you give them promotion clauses and know that you will definitely be promoted. And you will lose your players to free agency before you are actually promoted to the next league.


    As for whether you should sign your players now or later, I find that it really depends because I do find that their salary demands lessen. If the player would be highly desirable in the next league (young player with good stats or star player), you will probably want to extend him early as there is a good chance that another team will go after him. If the player is most likely to be average or a role player in the next league, let him fall into free agency before resigning him and you will probably get him for less while only risking a replaceable player.

  13. For the first ever player of the day, I have decided to nominate the first player drafted in the Fishbowl universe, Jeffrey Richardson.



    Drafted: 1st overall, season 4

    Drafted by: New Hartford Rangers

    Current Team: Larson Knights


    Age: 21

    Height: 6'4"

    Weight: 214lbs

    Shoots: Left


    For his only minor league year, Jeffrey played 37 games for the Regina Condors in the CAJHL and posted an incredible 97 points, including 71 points (a career high) and 26 assists. His ridiculous amount of goals earned him both CAJHL goal scorer of the year and point getter of the year.


    After going first overall to the New Hartford Rangers, he immediately signed with the team in hopes of elevating the recently promoted Rangers and win the Golden Cup. Unfortunately, the season did not go as planned and Jeffrey played abysmally and Rangers remained near the bottom of the league. In a last ditch effort to avoid relegation, Richardson was traded to the league leaders Larson Knights in return for a few average players in their prime. The trade failed and the Rangers went on to be demoted in the SHL where they are still currently playing today.


    For his first season in the GHL, he posted 13 points in 47 games for the Rangers and 5 points in 4 games for the Knights.


    Over the next few seasons, his play has been improving and in season 6, lifted the Golden Cup with the Knights. In season 7, Richardson put up his GHL career high 54 points in 52 games. He also extended his contract to an astonishing contract of 3.2mil for 10 seasons.


    Currently, in season 8, Richardson has posted 46 points in 38 games putting him 2nd in the scoring race, 3 points behind 1st.







    *note: I doubt that I will actually do this every day, If you have an interesting player, please post about him for me.  :)



  14. My injuries are finally starting to clear up, only my top goal scorer is out and for only one more game. It's been a tough couple weeks but I have survived, am still in the playoffs and only 9 points away from 2nd place. If I don't claim the 2nd promotion spot, I am sure that I can take any of the GHL teams near the relegation playoff spot excluding the Sellwood Spirits. However, it is the second half of the season and I am considering selling off a few players so that I may have a stronger push next season. I already made a couple offers to sell some of my players but I am likely to take them down if I can see that my team starts getting back on track.

  15. Okay, I'm gonna deflect this argument to two places before we have two big threads arguing about trade abuse. The first is the trade abuse thread here that this thread can once again be a salty therapy thread  ;)


    The second was my suggestion on this page on my second post where I suggested that so many assets can only be traded for so many assets, I feel like that idea alone will stop the majority of what people consider abusive trades as they are usually a number thing.


    As for my opinion on this case, I believe all human-human trades should be considered fair game unless it is blatant cheating (multiple accounts).