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Glawing last won the day on July 2 2019

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About Glawing

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    GamePlanHockey Support Team

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  1. Hmm this is strange! Could you please clear your cache and try again or a different browser? Get back here if it doesn't solve it and we have a look. //Tobias
  2. Hi! Thanks for input. This is noted and we will have a look at it and see if we can have a solution. //Tobias
  3. Hi Wick! Thanks for this feedback! //Tobias
  4. Well I’m off to SHL next season. A lot of stars will leave so hit me with your best offers. Looking for open contracts!
  5. Hi! Thanks for reporting on this! We will take a look at it! //Tobias
  6. Hi! Thanks for reporting this! We will take a look at it! //Tobias
  7. Thanks for the input! We will take a look at this! //Tobias
  8. Thanks for reporting! This is noted and we will take a look at it! //Tobias
  9. Sure we will fix this! Thanks for reporting!
  10. Hi! Thanks for reporting! This is an issue we are aware of. This is from the old game we’re we only had one conference. We will of course sort it but it’s alittle bigger bug to solve. We will announce when it’s fixed. //Tobias
  11. Hi! Thanks for all the info! We will see why this happened and see if there is anything we can do to prevent it in the future. Sorry for all the inconvenience!
  12. Hi! Thanks for report! We will fix this issue. //Tobias
  13. Hi! We are aware of this issue. Plan was to lock jersey customization after a while because we didn’t want managers to change jersey all the time. We thought it was better if you could recognize the team by its colors. But we listen to you all and decided not to lock it because you really like it and we do also. But when stuff like this happens we do not prioritize this over regular game performance. We have some issues at the moments which we need to adress first. But we will fix this and I also like the idea with saving multipel jerseys for home/away etc. //Tobias
  14. There is probably because the trade is not longer valid. Are the players still in their teams? Could salary changed for either team? If its still a problem. Please report to: [email protected] for faster response.
  15. Thanks for report! Willfix this issue! //Tobias