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  1. 2 points

    Release of 0.8.6

    Hi We are now ready with our newest version where the focus has been on implementing the inputs we have gotten from the users like transfer portal and improvements of existing features The newest version can be downloaded at https://ct-games.itch.io/ct-football-manager/purchase The newest devlog can be found here: https://ct-games.itch.io/ct-football-manager/devlog/209525/release-086 If you wish to get more updates about the game please check out our Twitter account: https://twitter.com/CTGames6 Please use our forum for any feedback: http://forums.gmgames.org/forum/408-ct-football-manager/ or on discord: https://discord.com/invite/BFeYXsT Best Regards The DevTeam
  2. 2 points
    End of year review So how did my team get on following the approach outlined in the steps above. Well we finished rank #10, having gone undefeated all season (albeit not playing any high ranked teams and being in a relatively low status division). Or overall recruiting was sucessful with the following showing the overall results: The only real worry and gap is at Centre - where we will only have 3 seniors, all of whom will be final year Seniors next year(assuming none declare early and are picked in the NFL draft). This will be a real focus for recruiting next year and I already have a lead for a junior 3* centre that I targeted half way through the year. My overall recruiting class for this first year is as follows: Plus a 2* FB on the bottom, which I couldn't quite fit on screen, but was a contingency if my prime 4* FB didn't commit). My bonus was getting Harlan Stamper a 5* CB, who I managed to recruit almost uncontested. From those that rejected you'll see the number of running backs that turned my side down through the year - I really struggled to find RBs that would commit to my team, so ended thankfully with a 4* (Robert Murray) and a 3* JUCO transfer (Jack Frakes); hopefully with solid training I will be able to establish some form of running game next year, rather than being so one-dimensionally pass heavy. I managed what I think is a good balance of 12 Seniors, focussed on filling immediate needs and 7 mostly 4* Juniors which will take some of the immediate pressure off recruiting next year). Some final highlights after the first season: 9 players drafted, including the 9th overall draft pick. The records show how pass heavy the offense was that first year with nearly 6,000 yards in the air and less than 1,000 on the ground. The teams overall reputation rating increased to 72 and the presetige sky-rocketed with the 9 players drafted by the NFL. All in all, a season way above expectation for a smaller college with limited football legacy. As a final bonus I'll finish on the main thing I wished I'd known the first time I played this through (and a call back to earlier). At the start of the second year, remember to set training patterns for all your new recruits (and the walk-ons once they arrive). This was something that totally passed me by on my first playthough. I assumed that as I only had a single default training pattern, all the new players would slot in. They don't and I wondered why all the new recruits didn't live up to their hype. Several seasons in I found the players tab of the training menu and realised all the post-year 1 players had empty training assignments: So thats it from me. If you are reading this you've made it all the way to the end of this guide/walkthrough. Thank you, I hope this was helpful as an overview of the main actions and decisions needed for the first season of prestige. Good luck in your own path as Head Coaches.
  3. 1 point

    Version Division I


    This download contains all the real team names, logos, bowls and logos for bowls for CT Football Manager. Just unzip the data-file, and replace the existing data-folder with the unzipped folder. REMEMBER: You MUST have Two Forum Posts!
  4. 1 point
    This is a great help, thanks!
  5. 1 point
    Paul C

    Introductions @ CTFM

    I know it will be a bit late for you two, but I've added a thread in Dynasty Stories where I go through the key things I consider in the first year of a play through in Prestige mode, with posts on things such as Practice setup, recruitment strategy, identifying appropriate recruits, tweaking the depth chart and players I would target to red shirt and why. I'm sure it won't cover everything (especially play design and play calling during games especially), but I hope it might be useful to some. A word of warning, this has been developed by a player, based on my own experience of the game. If you follow it, you may end up replicating bad habits / sub-optimal strategies I've use!
  6. 1 point
    Scheduling future games This can be done at any point through the season; its just I like to take stock of where we are and the sort of level of challenge likely to be sustainable in the relative calm of post-season. This can of course be left to CPU assistance and ignored if you wish. Generally you will play all divisional opponents each year (which will be set already) then you have the choice of match making the remaining games to make 12 games per year. To start this process from the Home menu on the left side pick the "Future Opponents" option from the top ribbon. This shows the next 5 years worth of matches and a button in the top right corner toggles viewing the 5 years after that too: To request a game, click on the request game box and a drop down box will appear of all opponents with less than 12 games already agreed for that year, that are free in the week proposed. The bottom box is slightly different - that proposes a game at any time in the year rather than on a specific week. (I tend to avoid this as I'm a control freak and like to have more certainty over my fixtures earlier). This will bring up a game request pop-up box, where you choose whether to propose a home or an away game. It will also display if there is any recruiting point cost to arranging this game (usually between 0 and 15 points). If you click ok then it will go to the other team to consider and you will get an email back in a few days saying whether the game was agreed to or not. I generally seek to add a couple of lower top-25 ranked teams in 2022, then gradually scale upwards thereafter, if my team continues to improve year-on-year.
  7. 1 point
    Simming the bowl game As of 0.8.5 there seems to be an issue (at least for me), where the Bowl games don't correct work if you watch them. They appear to carry on from the previous game's score and then show the result as a 0-0 loss. To avoid this, I play up to any bowl game, then chose the option to "Continue to Scoreboard" rather than "Simulate Game" (for some reason the names of the teams are the wrong way around in this screenshot - CC were 12-0 and then 4* team not the Battle Wings) As soon as the Bowl game is over, save your game, exit and reload. This seems to prevent all future games being simmed off-screen in the same way as the bowl game. Coach changes Sometime just after the Championship match (mid-January onwards), the coaching staff can be replaced as long as CPU assist is not set to on. To seek to hire a new coach the old one has to be fired. To do this go onto the home screen and click on the name of the coach you want to fire (the Offensive Co-ordinator, Defensive Co-ordinator, Special Teams Co-ordinator or Strength and Conditioning Coach). Once on their screen there will be a button to 'Fire Coach'. (You may want to check for suitable replacements first, by looking at the coaches tab, chosing the unemployed tab and sorting by coach type to check that there are better options in the recruitment pool). Once you have fired a coach, you will get an email a day later saying you have a short time to recruit a replacement or the board will find a replacement. You can then look to offer a coach working at an alternative college the position or an unemployed coach. You will be able to select the position you want to offer and the length of time of the contract between 1 and 4 years. I tend to keep the number of years to whatever is defaulted in and alway seek to replace like with like (e.g. an offensive co-ordinator with another offensive co-ordinator). I tend to go for highest overall available unemployed coach avaiable in year 1; thereafter I may seek to entice coaches away from clubs. As such in year 1, I don't seek to swap my Strength and Conditioning Coach as there are no unemployed ones in the 0.8.5 base game, so I wait to year 2 and seek to get a higher rated one from another club. So to choose my propspective replacement Offensive Co-ordinator I go into the Coaches menu from the left hand side menu and change the role to 'Unemployed' then sort by role. The best rated coach is Thomas Jones, so I click on his name and see if he will acccept a role with me. I check his attributes to make sure there is no fatal flaw (his offensive play calling is relatively low which is a worry for an offensive co-ordinator), but I decide his other characteristics make up for this. I keep the legnth to its default and the role as Offensive Coordinator and keep the contract to 1 year, which also reduces my worry that the Offensive Play Calling stat is low (mainly from a Role Playing perspective as I think you can sak coaches at the end of the year regardless if they are in contract or not). He declines and I take Tomas Mora at 73 overall (still a decent upgrade from poor old Brendan who had just coached the team to overall #1 offensive production in the year, but there little room for sentiment in football). I'll then repeat as necessary with Defensive and Special Teams co-ordinators.
  8. 1 point
    Review and amend depth charts During the season, players rating can change (generally not as much as during the focussed week of pre-season training in August). Periodically during the year I check the depth chart to see if any players have lost significant numbers of stars and thus need to be moved down (or even out of the depth chart) and if any players have improved (and therefore need to be moved up the depth chart). I tend to do this manually on a case-by-case basis as I don't want to reset my kick and punt returners that I have manually moved away from the CPU proposed ones, plus I like to keep consistency in my team where possible, rather than changing constantly as people swap by a point or so each week. In season recruitment During the season (and for visits just after the end of the season), there is the opportunity to interact with any potential students been actively recruited (ie neither already committed nor rejected outright). There are a range of interactions that can be tried, each of which uses points out of your recruiting budget (an amount set at the start of the year, presetige / reputation dependent, likely to be between 500 and 1,100). The cost and likely effectiveness varies according to the type of contact: - Sending non-athletic brochures (cost 1 per star rating of recruit) - symbolised by folder with ! icon - Phone call (cost 3 per subject area discussed [up to 5 areas per call] per star rating - ie talking about 4 areas to a 3 star recruit would cost 3 * 4 * 3 = 36 points) - symbolised by telephone icon - Visit to college (cost 30 per star rating of recruit) - symbolised by calendar icon - Home visit to student (20? per star rating of recruit) only available after season end - symbolised by car icon Only brochures can be sent to junior prospects prior to the season end. To use any of these click on the appropriate icon. Beware requesting a phone call or visit can be refused, if so the students level of interest will fall. To minimise the risk of this happening, check relative interest in choosing your college by clicking on the scout icon (often the rightmost of the icons - a framed picture of a person). Only invite or arrange a call if the percentage interest is close to the highest interest percentage). However recruitment points are not lost if the contact is refused. As far as I can tell the contact doesn't change the overall percentage of interest a prospective student has for you, but either changes the rate of change thereafter or gives an immediate check to see if the recruit will sign for you very shortly after the contact (it has happened that way, but could be coincidence). My general approach is to send brochures out to all relatively early (as it is cheap) and then after a couple of games look at the scout reports for each. I focus my points on key signings where the percentages are close (if I am the only college interested, then I save my points), likewise if I'm at low percentage when a bigger higher reputation college is in the lead I'll often cease chasing that recruit. The phone calls work as follows: Pick your potential recruit and click on the phone icon. If they take the call, you can pick up to 5 options to try to pursade them that your college is the right choice for them. You can either tick manually, or click select best topics, for the CPU to automatically pick the 5 best choices (you can always untick some of the them to reduce the recruiting cost of the call). A day later you will get an email explaining whether the call went well (he enjoyed the call) or not (he is still unsure the college is the right place for him). To arrange a visit to the college, click on the calendar icon. If accepted, you will then have to pick a date for them to visit - these are always Fridays. I try to coincide these with a weekend when I am playing at home in a game I think I will win. I'm not sure if this has any bearing, but I think this is a throwback to the EA NCAA games back in the day. Note a potential recruit can only visit one team a week, so you will have to work around any visits that they have already accepted. After the date of the visit, you will get email feedback about how it went - either positive or negative. Post season visits don't seem to have any other elements, just click on the car icon (once season is over any visits are allowed) and a visit will occur. As of 0.8.5 there is no email feedback about how the visit went. My focus in this first season is to carry out all activities with the FB, as it is such a need my team next year + I seem to be 50:50 with one other small college. I'll spend my other points across primarily calls to other potential senior recruits where I am in a recruiting battle and within a few percentage points of the leading college. I'll also save 120 points for a visit to the FB after the season concludes. Note: a few additional recruitment points can be earnt for accepting certain future fixtures proposed by other GM's (up to 15) and for games picked to be televised during the season (either 5 or 10). Points don't seem to carry over from one season to the next, so use 'em or lose 'em.
  9. 1 point
    Pre-first game Once the pre-season training is over, I review the emails explaining whether any players excelled or disappointed on any day in training. This seems relatively random to me, so overall I prefer to wait to the end and then see the impact on the overall team. Next I go into the Home menu, then depth chart and click on Autoupdate Depth Chart button, to move everyone into positions based upon their overall ratings before deciding if I want to make any manual changes. I look at Offense, Defense and Special Teams in turn, clicking on their boxes at the top to switch. Post pre-season training and with the addition of the walk ons, it seems we are in a bit better position than we were pre training. With the exception of the fullbacks, that seemed to have regressed even further, hightening our need to find one during this season as an absolute priority. Next I decide if I need to make any changes overall. I tend to do this in two circumastances: I'm very strong at a position so I could afford to take replace a freshman with an older player in the same position (and look to red-shirt the freshman) The kick reture and punt return positions never feel the correct choices for me (safeties and corners are often the default returners and I often prefer to add wide receivers and occassionally running backs, as I favour speed and agility on returners - not saying this is correct, just in my head they are more likely to return them back for large yardage, although may be exposed on a fake). In this example, I'm particularly strong at OG and have a Freshman as 3rd choice for the position (Paul Hagen). I swap him out by clicking on his name and chosing an alternative from the drop down. In this case I have a 6th 5* player Will Mulford who is a Junior, so I can redshirt Paul and hopefully have him as a 5* starter for the next four years. It seems keeping the Offensive Line off the track and in the gym really aided their development in the offseason! Redshirting Players Redshirting players effectively gives them an extra year at college, allowing extra time to develop and potentially helping them balance their academic aims with their sporting ambitions. Effectively if the player is used in less than 5 games in the season, they get an extra year at college. I generally use this where I have an excess of talent in a position and a young player (generally freshman but occassionally Sophomore) can be left out the side for a year without negatively impacting the overall team. This then reduces pressure to recruit to that role in the future. I generally only do this with 4* or 5* players, as I don't see the benefit in holding back players that are unlikely to make the team in the future. As of 0.8.5. it often seems to have a minor (10%) impact on most players, especially those under full scholarships. To redshirt a player, go into home menu, then squad, click on the player's name then click on the redshirt player option. A popup box will ask you to confirm the decision. Once I've red shirted all players I want to, I quickly go back to depth chart to see any people are in the depth chart that have been redshirted - if so they will have a little redshirt icon next to them and can be swapped out. Otherwise I'll do a final check on my recruitment position requirements to see if my targets need to change. So overall, I still have the same immedaite needs for a Centre, a Fullback, a Running Back and a Punter. Try as I might, I've struggled to entice a Running Back, having a solitary 2* considering and had over half the senior class reject my offers outright. I know I need to focus some of my efforts on converting offers in those areas into recruits, so that will be where I focus my recruiting efforts and budget. Playcalling tendencies for co-ordinators One final thing I need to do before I play my first game of the season and that is pick my offensive and defensive tendancies / strategies. To change this go into tactics menu on the left, then tactics setting on the top ribbon. You can then choose the weighting of pass/run offense and defense when the co-ordinator calls the plays by clicking on the arrow by the corresponding strategy box and choosing from the dropdown optins (remember to save changes afterwards!). If you are going to call all plays yourself, you can safely ignore this. Based upon my team composition (my primary QB is a 5*, I have 3 5* WRs and a beast of a Offensive Line, whereas my FB is a lowly 1* and although my HB is 5* his acceleration of 24 worries me), so I'm going Air Raid (70% passing, 30% run) and probably leaving defense 50%/50%.
  10. 1 point
    Changing positions While technically this can be done at any point in July, I would always leave it until walk-ons have joined and been evaluated as then you will be have a clearer picture of whether there is a need to look at changing the position of any players. I only seek to do this where I have a total lack of depth in one area and an excess elsewhere – usually as a last gasp attempt to fill a position I failed to recruit for in the previous year. To do this, go into Home menu on the left side and Squad from top menu. Click on the player you wish to consider changing positions to bring up their detail page (it may help first to click on the position tab, to sort in position order to easier see where you have gaps and too many players). To change the position, simply click on the pencil icon next to their position (only available in July); you can then click through other positions and see what their overall score would be in each alternative position. As an example Neil is a 1 star wide receiver that is unlikely to be anything but a bench-warmer, due to the large number of WR with higher ratings. Although still weak at Tight-End, he is marginally better and given the smaller quantity of recruits in this role, may develop over time into a player that could get into the depth chart. From my experience, it is very unlikely that players can make the switch from offense to defense or vice versa. Groups which seem most able to swap without huge rating reductions are perhaps not surprisingly 1) Wide Receivers and Tight Ends 2) Corners and Safeties 3) Defensive ends and tackles 4) Offensive Lines (Centres, Offensive Tackles and Offensive Guards) 5) Kickers and Punters
  11. 1 point
    Evaluating Walk-ons In the first couple of weeks of July a number of walk-ons will arrive. These are additional team members outside the recruitment process. Their general skill seems to be related to team's overall reputation, prestige and/or coaching levels (or possibly a combination of some or all). The players fall across all years, from freshmen to 5-year seniors. On an automatic pop up screen you have to chose to offer any of these new players scholarships or make them preferred walk-ons (there is a maximum number of scholarships that can be given at any one time (85). You can also choose to change these for an existing players. I haven't found these changes to make a huge amount of difference at this stage, although from a role-playing perspective I tend to give my highest rated players in a position a scholarship and strip scholarships from any player falling to a 1 star rating or two or more stars below my best in that position. (In the example below I gave all 4 star walks on a Full Scholarship). For ease of evaluation, I sorted this sheet by clicking on the position so I could see the depth (and highest rated players at each position more easily). Once you have made any required changes click on Done in the top-right corner. If walk-ons fill some of the gaps you were previously recruiting for, you may wish to withdraw offers from undecided recruits you have made offers to. For example in the unlikely event a 5* Freshman Fullback turned up early July, I might decide to withdraw any offers I had made for other Fullbacks through the recruitment process, so I could focus on other priorities, or invest in more Seniors.
  12. 1 point
    Training Schemes Next I need to make sure all my players have training schemes to get them in the best shape and skills to play come the season. Now my choices here are to give examples and based mainly upon role-play, rather than extensive min-maxing. To access this area click on practice, then schemes. What initially is seen here is a blank grid with toggles for in-season practice and off-season practice. Multiple versions can be created, for groups or individual players. I went about this by working on the theory that college players are still learning, so focussed heavily on positional training. My initial grids for in-season and off-season are here. Remember to save (the disc icon at the bottom after creating or modifying routines (I learnt that the hard way!). I leave Firday in season as a quieter day of theory and video review, thinking it gives the team a break before the game and makes sure video analysis is fresh in their minds. Again I am assuming that this is more of a role-playing thing than anything with huge in-game benefits. If you want to create additional schemes, then can start from scratch, or copy from an existing. (I find copying to be far easier). So for example, I've decided that my Offensive Line won't gain much from doing laps, so copied the Standard off-season and replaced all the track exercises with additional gym sessions. I call this new practice Oline. (Remember to save after editing, using the disk icon - its a bit further below the scheme names, so east to overlook!) Next you have to assign people to the correct training sessions for both on and off-season. Click on the players option in the top ribbon and you will see all players and the training sessions assigned – both for on and off-season. These can be manually assigned, or switched by group. So for example I click on Offensive Tackles filter to bring up all OTs; click on the drop down box for off-season training to select Oline and click on the right arrow button next to it to assign to all OTs. I repeat for Centres and OGs and then click on save. Note: after the initial year, new recruits start without any assigned practice. You will need to go in and assign some practice to all the incoming players at the start of each new season (I learnt that several seasons in!). At the end of July you'll be asked to pick days to run pre-season training to a maximum of 25. To choose days, click on the number in the days of the calendar you want to run training. I generally pick 20-22 days Monday to Saturday; leaving Sunday as a full rest day. Again, not sure on whether more is better, or need to give breaks, but this generally seems to have a positive impact on my players skills.
  13. 1 point
    Initial Recruitment The maximum number combined of accepted recruits and ongoing offers is 25 in any season. You can seek to recruit Seniors from High School (which will join at the start of the next season), or Juniors (which will join the season thereafter) I look to spread this between 4 areas (the spread depending upon the existing composition of the team): Next year gaps Quick wins Second year needs Speculative targets The first place I look is at the position overview board (this is accessed from the recruiting menu on the left side, then the position overview tab at the top): Next year gaps The above table shows how many players you have in each role, split between years. Looking at the needs column shows how many gaps you are likely to have next year, so should be areas looking to recruit to. The stars give an overall picture of how good your existing players are in each position (measured between 1 and 5 stars) In the example above, I am very weak – 1 star in Fullback and 2 of my 4 players are seniors and thus leaving at the end of this year, so I should be focussing on trying to recruit at least one high school senior fullback. On the other side, I am relatively strong in the Strong Safety position (3 stars) and all my existing players are relatively young (no seniors) – therefore this won't be a position I'm looking for immediately as part of my next year gaps recruitment. Bear in mind that doing this in week one in July will be before walk-ons join the college and can be evaluated, so some of these gaps may get filled (and during August players may improve or get worse based upon pre-season training, so star ratings may change). To look for players in this area I'll click on the recruits section of the board and use the filters on the left side to filter to Fullbacks and Senior high-school players only (as our need is for next year). Finally I click a couple of times on the interest heading at the top, so that it filters in descending levels of interest. With a 4* high interest player, I have my first target, so I click on Partick Johansen's name and make an offer of Full Scholarship. (I'd repeat this for other areas, looking to recruit 1-2 people per gap, knowing I'm not going to be 100% successful) Quick wins Next area I look for is those very likely to sign, hopefully very quickly before getting into a recruiting war. For this I take off the position filter, but keep the senior filter on, and again sort by interest. Any 3* or higher with interest of Excellent or High I will consider offering a scholarship to (possibly not Strong Safeties as I am already strong in that area). Next I'll change the Class Year to Junior and repeat the process (however I'll limit myself to a handful at most). Excellent interest are generally locals and can often confirm within a month, which helps with reputation building at the college. Certainly Jeremy Delworth looks like a good use of a slot, especially as I need to fill a punter spot. Second year targets I may use a few spots to look for High-School Juniors where my team has a lot of Juniors that will need to be replaced in 2 years time. I feel I might have a better chance of recruiting if I get in early, especially if my team's reputation is not so great. For this I look at my position needs chart again, but look especially at numbers in Senior year. In the example at the top of my post I have 4 linebackers in the senior year, so this might be an area I look to try to get a couple of High-School juniors enrolled early to replace. Again I'd filter by position, Junior and sort by interest, looking no lower than Medium interest, but hopefully finding some High interest options. Speculative Targets Its always fun to have a go at a couple of people that are probably 'reaches'. For these I'd filter on 5* and 4* (one at a time), sort by interest and pick a few that don't have any major colleges actively recruiting. Its unlikely to be successful, but the odd lower likelihood bid is worth a try! In the screen above, I think Harlan Stamper and Nick Mitchell would fall into that category. After setting initial picks, I'll forward the game by a day and check emails to see if any students have flat-out rejected my offer. If so, I'll consider replacing with other recruits. How I split between these areas, depends upon the position of my team. In the examples given, I'd probably focus 5-10 on immediate needs, 10 on Quick wins and a couple on Second Year and speculative targets. I'd hold most of the Second year targets until after walks ons arrive in early July.
  14. 1 point
    Delegations This is really a question of personal preference. Click on the left hand side menu on "Settings" and toggle the CPU buttons as preferred. Don't forget to click on save changes after deciding. Coach handling determines whether you can hire and fire your co-ordinators in the post-season. This isn't a major job to take control of, so I like to keep assistance off in this area. Personally the vast majority of my fun comes from handling recruitment, so I'm definitely not having interference in that area! Future schedules determines (for the most part in 0.8.5) whether assistants will arrange future games outside your conference. I'll cover this in a separate post below, but when I was starting out I left turned CPU assistance on and took over after a couple of seasons. (Even with this turned off, I would occasionally get emails to respond to asking if I wanted to agree or decline a request for a game – I'm assuming that this is where my team couldn't decide, so passed it up to me) Disciplinary action determines whether you control punishments for students breaking rules. Punishments can range from a warning, to suspended from the team for up to 7 weeks. The college itself can also suspend for certain activities, which will automatically impact on player and the team, regardless of who has control for football related discipline matters. I tend to keep this in my control, as although I'm consisent and fair at all times, I might not want to suspend the star quarterback in bowl week!!
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    how can i download he roster im having trouble