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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    How I started.. Playing Sports Sims

    I posted this in the "Introduce Yourself" thread, but then I saw this thread, so I'll post this here as well! Since I'm new here, I suppose I should introduce how I got into management games. I've always been into the management side of sports. Even in the 90s, when one season was the best you could hope for in many games, I played that season just to see how far I could get. Sadly, I often left seasons incomplete, because I'd honestly get bored playing game after game, and feeling like I wasn't going anywhere. Baseball games in this time were torturous. 162 games?? I didn't even want to do 16 in an NFL game, let alone 10 times as many. As time went on, and games got better, and added depth, my interest grew. 2K games were a Godsend for me. The ability to either live a "by the books" style league, or change a few settings, and viola, I could have Sidney Crosby AND Alex Ovechkin on the same line! My first real experience with a management sim was Eastside Hockey Manager. It was literally one I stumbled upon, and I absolutely lived for that game. The depth, the ways you could tinker with the settings, the limitless possibilities, and the fact that I had 12 First Round picks in one of my games, set the bar for management sims, at least as far as hockey goes, for YEARS. It honestly wasn't until FHM 5 or 6 that I felt I had found an equal to the immense pleasure I had playing EHM a decade ago. I do dabble in other sports, though hockey is my true love, but I do play OOTP22 on occasion, I also have DDS: College Basketball, and I'm trying to get into CT Football Manager. Overall, I'm glad to be here, and I've enjoyed this site for some time, and have gotten some really good recommendations from it, and look forward to the future of sports management games!
  2. 1 point

    Stephon Gilmore

    He will definitely strengthen the Panthers secondary but I think throughout the last couple weeks especially with CMC gone again, the panthers don't have a shot at the playoffs just plainly because they are not very good. Sam Darnold went off the first couple weeks but he is back to the same old him. Sorry to Panthers fans but even with getting Stephon Gilmore, the team needs a lot more to have a chance at making playoffs anytime soon.
  3. 1 point


    In the next version some of the screens will have help texts, which shows what to do on that screen