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Posts posted by GM Games

  1. Thirty-Two-Team Best-of-Seven Simulation Bracket to Begin on Monday; Simulations Powered by Out of the Park Baseball 21 – Available for PC & Mac; Rosters Include 185 Hall of Famers, 115 Most Valuable Players & 61 Cy Young Award Winners; Fans Can Visit and Compete in DraftKings Pools Starting Today; Live Streams of Select Simulations Available on, the MLB Network Twitch Channel & DraftKings Platforms

    [Press release has been produced by Major League Baseball]

    Major League Baseball, in conjunction with Out of the Park Baseball, today unveiled the MLB Dream Bracket presented by DraftKings, which will begin on Monday, April 20th. The MLB Dream Bracket is a 32-team best-of-seven simulation featuring all-time teams for each of the 30 current Major League franchises, as well as teams consisting of Negro Leagues Stars and 25 & Under Stars. Starting today, fans can use the DraftKings mobile app to register and compete in free-to-play pools based on the upcoming game simulations, which will be produced by Out of the Park Baseball.

    Game simulations will begin with eight round-of-32 matchups being played each day on Monday, April 20th and Tuesday, April 21st. Select game simulations, featuring various Game 6 and Game 7 matchups, will be available via livestream on MLB Network’s Twitch channel on Monday and Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. (ET) as well as within the DraftKings mobile app. MLB Network’s Scott Braun and Jon Morosi will provide play-by-play and analysis of the games, which will also stream across MLB Network’s social channels and

    The 26-man rosters for each of the teams, compiled by the beat reporters, consist of 15 hitters and 11 pitchers. For the simulation, players are rated using the average of their three best seasons on a single team. Rosters were constructed with balanced depth to specifically compete in a simulated regulation game.

    The full rosters for each of the 32 competing teams, which include a combined 185 Hall of Famers, 115 Most Valuable Players, 61 Cy Young Award winners and 67 Rookie of the Year Award winners, can be viewed at The 32-team bracket is split by league with teams seeded hierarchically based on World Series titles won; pennants won; Postseason appearances; and regular season winning percentage. The Negro Leagues Stars and 25 & Under Stars are No. 8 seeds in the American League and National League, respectively.

    For more information about the MLB Dream Bracket, please visit For more information about Out of the Park Baseball 21, please visit Out of the Park Baseball (OOTP 21).

    The post MLB and OOTP Baseball Unveil MLB Dream Bracket Presented by DraftKings appeared first on GM Games - Sports General Manager Video Games.

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  2. It has been a while since I have blogged, but I have been wanting to comment on the recent pandemic and how it impacts this website. First off, a huge thanks to those of you who have reached out wanting to donate. Due to the crumbling economy, the ads that normally fund this website have been producing very poorly. So I want to truly thank those who have donated during this crazy time. I know that not everyone can afford to donate right now, but for those who have, I can only thank you by doing my best to keep this site going, and keeping it free. As many of you know, we’ve seen a surge of users due to the pandemic. In my twelve years running this website, I can’t remember a time when we had so many new people signing up every day. In addition, many people are creating new private leagues to fill the void of fantasy baseball. I encourage any new commissioners to reach out to veteran players and other commissioners on the boards or chat if you have questions. The Commissioner Tools are deep and complex, but it seems most of our new users are grasping it very well. Likewise, I encourage all the long-time vets of PC to check the boards a little more often and offer help to the new players. This may be the one rare time we have a large, thriving community of baseball fans on the site at once, so let’s enjoy it! Of course, I hope people who have found this site will come to love it like so many of you have and will come back to Pennant Chase once life returns to normal, but I am realistic about the fact that numbers will probably drop once MLB resumes games. We are adding a crazy amount of new auto leagues, so be prepared to have a glut of leagues (and thus the need to delete a bunch of them) once the craziness dies down. But hey, maybe this is the “new normal” and this crisis has opened everyone’s mind to how great baseball sim can be. We can dream, right? On a personal note, my life has been crazy since this started. Even though I am stuck at home like most of you, my day job has been highly demanding due to the pandemic, and I have a three-year-old stuck in the house as well. So I am doing my best to stay on top of it all. It’s exhausting, terrifying, and yet exhilarating all at the same time. The silver lining for me is having this chance to introduce so many new people to Pennant Chase. And I have not heard one negative comment, so I think the pandemic is also making all of us a little bit nicer to each other! Thank you for all the words of encouragement you’ve sent over the past few weeks. Most importantly, stay safe and stay healthy out there. Follow the rules. And of course, stay home and play more Pennant Chase!!

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  3. This week GM Games was contacted by Dave Wilson, Senior Editor of ESPN. Our conversation talked about the history of sports sims, the differences between AAA sporting titles, his family and the current simulation replays of events lost. It was an honor to be considered for reference.

    For the organization, being at this since 2011, it is a milestone to receive the acknowledgement of the effort for sim sports lovers. It is with pleasure to share the article from ESPN for our users and hope more people find their way in to simulation sport gaming.

    “Sims are more about stats and strategy than they are about winning reflexes,” said Chris Valius, director of, which chronicles and reviews such games. “Sims tap into the curiosity of how teams are constructed and coached.” as per ESPN.

    Dave references and chronicles many of the sports simulation developers we have been including on our website for years. You will find these games under our categories either by sport or platform in our navigation menu.

    Unfortunately, it is an odd time for sports considering the loss of march madness, delay of major league baseball, and the postponed NBA and NHL playoff schedule. Let’s hope that we get the real thing back as soon as possible.

    For those indoors and are learning about these games, you will find a list of free games here to try. Please join the GM Games discord server and tell us about your favorite games or career stories.

    Signed, Chris, Director of

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  4. OOTP 21 features smart new guided experiences,  an all new 3D Ballpark Construction Kit, reimagined scouting and drafting, all the new 2020 rosters, gameplay and roster rules, completely refreshed Perfect Team, and much more! We are proud to announce that Out of the Park Baseball 21 is officially available worldwide. The 21st version of the […]

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  5. Normally, I review games from Wolverine Studios for GMGames. This year, I got a new job, which involved me taking over a second grade classroom for a teacher on maternity leave.

    In March.

    As you could expect, this cut into my time significantly, to the point that I could not write a preview for this year’s game. That was upsetting, but such is life.

    Then, well, everything that has happened since happened.

    And now, I have all sorts of time on my hands.

    The whole point of all of that is to tell you that this is my own impressions of Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 20. I believe it to be the best version yet, and the best college basketball made yet.

    Here’s why.

    • It takes the same UI as Draft Day Sports: Pro Basketball 20. This is a huge upgrade over past games, as this design is clean, easy to navigate, and full of information. I do have some suggestions to make it even better (a screen I helped develop, the Insights screen, could make better use of the real estate to get even more stats there, I think…this is one screen where less graphics is more for the player). Overall, though, this is obviously a major win for the series. I sincerely hope the football series follows suit. This is where Wolverine Studios needed to go with its games for a long time; now that they are there, I hope they continue to build on what rivals Out of the Park and Football Manager as the best UI for a sports sim.
    • The game *feels* like basketball. Okay, so it’s a sim. It has limitations. The 2D has limitations. Gary Gorski is one man; he has help here and there, but he is the one building this year after year. Once you set aside those slight limitations (and they are slight), the game is rich, fun, and engaging.

    Over the weekend, I took over Providence (as I live here now, I have switched off from UConn for a different challenge). I took a bit of time to get to know my team, but really, I learned through coaching them in games, something I find amazingly fun. From getting frustrated by Lucas Robinson committing two fouls in the first minute (I have since switched him out of the starting lineup for Robert Keown, who has been more dynamic at the 4), to figuring out how to navigate my lack of depth at the 3, to watching my freshman PG grow and outperform his current levels early on…the game is simply fun to watch play out. I lived with the highs (beating Florida State by 26, and beating a Boston College team that would upset #2 Xavier in their very next game), but also got really frustrated in watching Northeastern stumble their way into the Dunkin Donuts Center and have an answer for every run my team made, ultimately beating us by three.

    I coach basketball, and play in several leagues (all of which are shut down at the moment). This is the closest I have to the real thing for the next while. I do not have a game console (I keep going back and forth on whether or not to get a Switch), so NBA2K is not a thing for me. To be honest, those games are fun, but this is much more where I prefer to hang my hat. And DDSCB helps scratch the itch I have for a realistic basketball coaching experience. That, to me, is the biggest thing to take away from this game.

    • Recruiting is easy to navigate. This is the other thing that makes the game. Recruiting is a massive part of the game, from it’s impact (it’s really half the game) to the sheer size of it (it is quite vast). It could be overwhelming. In the past, it has been. This year, I find it quite manageable and engaging. In your first season, you can skip past some things, including recruiting, and just get into the season. That may be smart for many; I went through the summer and all of the recruiting, and it can be a bit tedious at the start (as I wanted to get to games). But that slow build helped me better know the recruits I was going after. Having shortcut keys helped in a major way as well. Unfortunately, recruiting is something that can be a click-fest in any game, because, again, it’s bloody massive.

    I am happy that Wolverine has figured out a way through that. I hope it extends to DDS: College Football.

    Oh, and one bit of realism that is a nice and frustrating touch: Three of my four recruits have signed Letters of Intent. One has yet to do so; he is my highest-ranked recruit, and I am nervous he is going to bolt elsewhere.

    • The sheer amount of data is fantastic. Again, this takes the lead from DDSPB. Having an understanding about which lineups are working, being able to see why they may not be working, and seeing how a player’s strengths can be maximized for your team (and weaknesses minimized) are huge benefits to a game like this. Remember, above all else, this is a strategy game. And Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 20 gives you as complete a set of information as one can find.

    For instance, I just learned that a lineup I had liked, while it has outscored opponents by two points, is a *terrible* lineup. The DRtg is 165.7. Holy swiss cheese D, Batman. The lineup’s Net is -56.8. And we’re somehow winning over that time. That defies logic, which makes me think we defy logic at the moment (there are other glimpses of lineup info that counteract that, but I do worry my start is not sustainable).

    • The Selection Show. To be honest, I haven’t gotten there yet. (I’m only on my fourth game of the season). I am already looking forward to it. The draft in the DDSPB is one of the coolest, if not the single coolest, thing in a sports sim. The Selection Show, I believe, could surpass it. (Selection Sunday is my favorite day of the year, though I wish we had the old Day 1 of the NFL Draft back.) This is a big addition this year, and while I have seen screenshots, I cannot wait to see it play out.

    For those who may be unaware, I belong to an online pro and college basketball league (, cheap plug for it). We have a growing college basketball league there, and I host a Selection Show podcast for it, where we reveal the brackets. I hosted a Selection Show podcast for an old FBCB league hosted at SimNation. I think DDSCB’s Selection Show feature could be the one that takes this game to the next level…even with the other things I have already said. Learning about an entire national landscape is really hard, especially in a game where 350 schools exist. To have this feature, and be able to get snapshots of these teams that could become your rivals over a three-week period…that’s awesome, and above and beyond what I have seen from rivals in this genre.

    Look, for most of us, basketball is not a thing we can do right now. Rhode Island shut down all of the YMCAs, so for my basketball community, we are essentially shut down. The weather is not nice enough to get shots up outside. (And, to be honest, I am under the weather, and thus, not going outside anyway, so I don’t potentially get anyone else sick.) In terms of an actual college basketball game that can allow you to get immersed into a school and a program and ride the ups and downs of that experience, you will find no better choice than what Gary Gorski and Wolverine Studios have put out with Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 20. If you are like me and have more time on your hands than you thought you would, pick it up (and, while you’re at it, pick up the pro version).

    We may not have real life March Madness, but the only one stopping you from having your own is you, if you don’t pick this up. You’re supporting small business, local and loyal developers, and getting a hell of a game. That’s a trifecta I have a hard time seeing past.

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  6. It is finally here. We have talked endlessly about getting an NBA roster update on #dynasty-manager chat. And now, amazingly, a major roster update for Dynasty Manager 16. Don’t ask us if there will a new version of the game, we have no clue. We do know that InczeTigate is busy working on another sports project (ssshhh… Patrick Mahomes, Touchdown!)

    This is a reminder that GM Games is THE official host of Dynasty Manager 16 (logos & roster files) DM16 As per the game owner. Dynasty Manager 16 (NBA basketball) has been created for Android and iOS.  If you don’t know about this basketball simulator, it has been loved and has a loyal following. See the above tabs for DM16 information or game features.

    Let’s take a moment to thank this beautiful bastid VierchasLitofcas. 

    He is asking that if you love his roster updates, then please send a couple bucks to keep the updates coming. It took many many hours for his update to be put together and tested.  [ ] … You can reach him on our official discord server channel for Dynasty Manager 16.


    You can download the CSV and make changes if you wish. If you want to import this roster and logos directly to your game, type the following URL website link EXACTLY as it is displayed here (Case sensitive you must the exact URL! It is http with an “s”!)

    The post 2020 NBA Roster Update for Dynasty Manager 16 (DM16) appeared first on GM Games - Sports General Manager Video Games.

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  7. March is almost here but you don’t have to wait much longer to feel the madness. Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 2020 will be released on March 9th, 2020 but you can pre-order right now and starting February 26, 2020 you will be able to download playable beta builds all the way up to release!

    [The content narrative is courtesy of Wolverine Studios]

    DDS: College Basketball 2020 is our biggest and best effort yet! This season we have completely rebuilt the game on the brand new Alchemium Unlimited platform which has allowed us to deliver the most attractive version of the game yet. As you can see the entire UI has been redeveloped giving you the ability to easily move around your association while giving you access to the impressive amount of data and reports in the game.


    Above you see the new dashboard screen in the game which gives you access to your roster, schedule, news and important information about your team and upcoming opponent. The top also contains a searchable drop down box with every team and conference – no more hunting through conferences to find a team you are looking for. Just type the name and you’ll find them. With over 350 teams to consider that alone is a huge time saver!

    With our brand new look comes some great innovations in function as well. One of the biggest parts of the game of course is recruiting. Last season we introduced a quick recruiting feature to try and make it a bit simpler but this year we really honed in on that feature making it THE way you recruit in the game now.


    A look at our brand new recruiting screen shows you exactly what we have done here to make this area much more user friendly and much faster. You now have hotkeys for not only adding players to your watch and call lists but also for the weekly recruiting functions. Each of those seven drop downs contain different ways you can filter out the recruits to your liking and your choices will remain saved. You also see we’ve added things like color coding interest levels and giving you visual reminders as to things like players you have already hosted for a visit.


    Our redesign doesn’t just stop at the league screens – we’ve taken the 2D screen to an entire new level with some massive changes there as well. Notice at the bottom of the screen a visual indicator for the fatigue levels of the players on the floor and you can see that all of your coaching options are now available to you at all times without having to switch back and forth between popups. You truly will feel in charge of your squad with all of these options just an easy click away. The in-game experience has never been better!


    Our efforts didn’t stop at just re-imagining what was already there – no way! Above you see one of the new features debuting this year – the recruit class screen. This gives you a scouting report from the in game media outlet which provides a look for each team at who they have signed, who they are offering scholarships to and who the WSSN feels is interested. It’s a new twist in recruiting and arms you with additional information when making your own recruiting plans.


    How about the brand new insights screen that gives you some great new stats such as the bubble chart above showing efficiency vs usage for your team vs the rest of your conference. As you can see there are a bunch of different options here including a VERY expanded lineup tracking option all to give you the most information possible in managing your team.

    It is not just screens, data and functionality that are new to Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 2020 either. Thanks to the feedback of our community we’ve incorporated a slew of other changes as well. Here’s a short list of just some of the new features.

    • There are now 353 teams to choose from in the game
    • Play by play logs can be generated for games
    • Scheduling has been redone to allow for 20 game conference schedules
    • Teams get use of an extra scholarship immediately when an underclassmen declares for the draft
    • The Tournament Maker feature has an option to auto generate an entire tournament bracket
    • In game improvements in presentation for things like the selection show and playing out tournament games from the championship tournament

    The all new Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 2020 is calling you, coach. Take advantage of the pre-order offer to get your savings, qualify for your complimentary Steam key and get FirstAccess to the game. Take the challenge today!

    The post The upcoming madness of DDS College Basketball 2020 (PC) appeared first on GM Games - Sports General Manager Video Games.

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  8. March is almost here but you don’t have to wait much longer to feel the madness. Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 2020 will be released at on March 9th, 2020 but you can pre-order right now and starting February 26, 2020 you will be able to download playable beta builds all the way up to release!

    DDS: College Basketball 2020 is our biggest and best effort yet! This season we have completely rebuilt the game on the brand new Alchemium Unlimited platform which has allowed us to deliver the most attractive version of the game yet. As you can see the entire UI has been redeveloped giving you the ability to easily move around your association while giving you access to the impressive amount of data and reports in the game.


    Above you see the new dashboard screen in the game which gives you access to your roster, schedule, news and important information about your team and upcoming opponent. The top also contains a searchable drop down box with every team and conference – no more hunting through conferences to find a team you are looking for. Just type the name and you’ll find them. With over 350 teams to consider that alone is a huge time saver!

    With our brand new look comes some great innovations in function as well. One of the biggest parts of the game of course is recruiting. Last season we introduced a quick recruiting feature to try and make it a bit simpler but this year we really honed in on that feature making it THE way you recruit in the game now.


    A look at our brand new recruiting screen shows you exactly what we have done here to make this area much more user friendly and much faster. You now have hotkeys for not only adding players to your watch and call lists but also for the weekly recruiting functions. Each of those seven drop downs contain different ways you can filter out the recruits to your liking and your choices will remain saved. You also see we’ve added things like color coding interest levels and giving you visual reminders as to things like players you have already hosted for a visit.


    Our redesign doesn’t just stop at the league screens – we’ve taken the 2D screen to an entire new level with some massive changes there as well. Notice at the bottom of the screen a visual indicator for the fatigue levels of the players on the floor and you can see that all of your coaching options are now available to you at all times without having to switch back and forth between popups. You truly will feel in charge of your squad with all of these options just an easy click away. The in-game experience has never been better!


    Our efforts didn’t stop at just reimagining what was already there – no way! Above you see one of the new features debuting this year – the recruit class screen. This gives you a scouting report from the in game media outlet which provides a look for each team at who they have signed, who they are offering scholarships to and who the WSSN feels is interested. It’s a new twist in recruiting and arms you with additional information when making your own recruiting plans.


    How about the brand new insights screen that gives you some great new stats such as the bubble chart above showing efficiency vs usage for your team vs the rest of your conference. As you can see there are a bunch of different options here including a VERY expanded lineup tracking option all to give you the most information possible in managing your team.

    It is not just screens, data and functionality that are new to Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 2020 either. Thanks to the feedback of our community we’ve incorporated a slew of other changes as well. Here’s a short list of just some of the new features.

    • There are now 353 teams to choose from in the game
    • Play by play logs can be generated for games
    • Scheduling has been redone to allow for 20 game conference schedules
    • Teams get use of an extra scholarship immediately when an underclassmen declares for the draft
    • The Tournament Maker feature has an option to auto generate an entire tournament bracket
    • In game improvements in presentation for things like the selection show and playing out tournament games from the championship tournament

    The all new Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 2020 is calling you, coach. Take advantage of our pre-order offer to get your savings, qualify for your complimentary Steam key and get FirstAccess to the game. With a deal like that, how can you pass up the opportunity to lead your favorite school to tournament glory? Take the challenge and #BuildYourDynasty today!

    The post Get Ready To Cut Down The Nets With Draft Day Sports: College Basketball 2020 appeared first on Wolverine Studios.

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  9. Out of the Park Baseball 21 – the 21st version of the award-winning sports strategy franchise – delivers the most new features and improvements in series history! It features unprecedented depth and customization, brand-new guided experiences for newcomers and veterans, authenticity licensed by MLB and the MLBPA, and a bounty of offline and online experiences found nowhere else.

    [This press release is courtesy of Out of the Park Developments]

    Out of the Park Baseball 21 is the biggest and best version ever made. Built upon the foundation of a series that has twice won Metacritic’s PC Game of the Year – the only game to ever do that – it delivers unprecedented baseball authenticity across the board.

    “OOTP is an astonishing accomplishment!” – Boston Red Sox Principal Owner John W. Henry

    Out of the Park Baseball 21 Basic Features

    Discover new talent, draft the next superstar, negotiate with free agents, enter trade talks with other teams, build your dynasty and guide a franchise into an infinite future! As a manager, dive into the more hands-on management and set your team’s lineups, pitching staffs, in-game strategy and call the shots from the dugout. You can oversee your league at a high level, or play out each game in the redesigned 3D game mode, managing play by play or even pitch by pitch. OOTP has it all covered!

    OOTP 21 comes with accurate 2020 MLB and MiLB rosters featuring ultra-realistic player ratings, schedules (including the London Series and the MLB at Field of Dreams), and league rules. Plus, all historical MLB seasons (1871-2019, including full historical minor leagues) and dozens of international pro and independent baseball leagues from around the world, featuring accurate 2020 rosters and player ratings. You can even create your very own fictional baseball universe with fictional teams and players, the possibilities are endless. The Infinite Baseball Sandbox!

    New features in OOTP 21 include:

    • All new Game Flow guides you through the unique OOTP experience in a smart, fully customizable way! Not sure what to do next? Game Flow gets you where you want to be, depending on what is happening right now. Whether it is Spring Training, the dog days of summer, or the offseason, it is easy to find what to do next. A fun way for newcomers and veterans alike to experience Out of the Park Baseball!
    • At long last – build your franchise’s dream ballpark! 3D Ballpark Construction Kit 1.0 allows you to configure a 3D stadium to your whims. Choose from many different field shapes and sizes, ballpark layouts and architectural elements and combine them with Ballpark Factors to emphasize the kind of organization you want to put together – defense, power, speed, gaps, you name it. This long-awaited feature lets you live a childhood dream – building your own ballpark!
    • Upgraded Live Services! The smashing success of Live Starts expands this season, with additional information being used to make each Live Start even more authentic. Start your OOTP 21 experience from any date of the 2020 MLB season – from Day 1 through the end of the 2020 Postseason – with up-to-the-minute Rosters, Injuries, Trades, Standings, and more!
    • New 2020 MLB rules, tactics, and player strategies! Baseball is changing in significant ways, and we have got everything in place. How will you use the all-new 26-man rosters to your advantage, as well as the new 28-man September configuration? How will you strategize around the new 3-batter-minimum for relief pitchers? What will your lineups and rotations look like with separate 10- and 15-day Injured Lists for pitchers and hitters? It is a whole new world!
    • Community-driven User Experience improvements! A beautiful new interface with fully customizable player page statistics. Plus! Player lists are dramatically improved and can be configured to your liking, with more information than ever available at your fingertips.
    • Big 3D in-game upgrades! New in-game camera modes let you ‘follow the ball’ during the action, and multiple camera angles are available for pre-pitch, during the pitch, and after the pitch. Dozens of new 3D animations are in place, and the entire 3D gameplay has been smoothed and polished. Plus, we have completely reworked in-game audio for better crowd and ambient noise during games – including ballpark-specific audio customization!
    • Scouting reimagined! We have rebuilt scouting from the ground up this year, with significantly improved AI, new visual indicators of scouting accuracy, a new and fully customizable Player Scouting Page, new Needs-based assignments, organically created scouting reports coming at different intervals, and more. You have never experienced scouting in OOTP like this!
    • Drafting reimagined! A huge amount of new information is in your hands for the draft, including Mock Drafts, Future Draft Classes, sortable Draft History, and more. Realistic high school, college, and junior college player progressions make draft classes more interesting – and authentic – than ever. You will be positioned to dominate!
    • New statistics! Strikeout percentages, walk percentages, strikeout minus walk percentages and more are tracked and displayed to ensure you are fully aware of how successful (or not) your players are.
    • New league customization options! Build your baseball universe YOUR way with improved League Expansion that has been made even more configurable, including long-desired improvement of Minor League team arrangements.
    • The All-Star Weekend goes BIG! For the first time ever, experience and play the Prospects Game and admire majestic blasts in the Home Run Challenge.
    • Upgraded technical design under the hood! Reduced save game space requirements use less of your hard drive and optimize the game’s installation and simulation speed
    • The most active development team in the business roars back this season! Each week we produce dozens of videos and podcasts, including the popular weekly video shows This Week In Perfect Team and Perfect Team Playoff Push every Thursday, multiple Franchise series, and two audio podcasts – OOTP Now and The Kevin Kennedy Show! You are in direct touch with the developers and the community every day.
    • Many more improvements, all built upon the incredibly deep award-winning Out of the Park Baseball engine that has accurately simulated the World Series winner the past three seasons on MLB Network and produced entertaining simulations for!


    Perfect Team 21 mode:

    Perfect Team is an incredible free online competition mode in Out of the Park Baseball that shook up the industry when it first launched in OOTP 19. Assemble, customize, and manage your team by collecting baseball cards from the past, present and future of Major League Baseball. Set your strategy and tactics, then compete against players from around the world to see who is truly the best!

    Do you have what it takes to build the Perfect Team?

    New features include:

    • New player card selection – collect over 4000 cards!
    • Beautiful new player card artwork
    • brand new league structure with 2 new league levels and a single Perfect League. Can you become the ultimate Perfect Team champion?
    • New promotion/relegation systems for a more dynamic league evolution
    • Improved ratings calculations for every type of player card
    • Hundreds of new Collection Missions with great rewards
    • New in-season Special Tournaments – including qualifiers – and competitions with unique rewards, enhancing the wildly popular Perfect Team Tournament feature
    • New content delivered each and every week all Perfect Team season long
    • Dozens of surprises big and small all year!

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  10. In terms of PC gaming, the arrival of Franchise Hockey Manager added a solid competitor to the incumbent leader in Eastside Hockey Manager 1, you will find both games under our Hockey area.

    Now all of a sudden, a new development from Germany is entering the market. It will remain to be seen what kind of simulation engine, customization and longevity will come of this but for now, hockey sim fans will get a chance to be dazzled.

    One thing to watch is that Hockey Manager 2020 brings a 3D mode of gaming! This is usually an area where developers don’t want to cross when it comes to text-based sports sims. To us, this is an area that could push this game to huge heights.

    We’re seeing the growth of strong games coming to the handheld platforms but offline Windows PC gaming continues to be most visited page at GM Games. So let’s see what’s under the hood in Hockey Manager 20 | 20 from Netmin Games.

    About The Game

    Enjoy the state of the art hockey management. Accept the challenge and lead your favourite club as a manager and coach to fame and fortune. Whether in Europe or America, the game covers all facets of our favorite sport.

    You have complete control over the sporting and financial aspects of your team. You determine the team’s player squad/lines, training, transfers, sponsors, merchandising, stadium, amateur/youth programs and much more. All the important decisions lay in your hands.

    The action-packed 3D match day allows you to change your lines and players in real time. The game world is almost infinitely expandable via the editor.

    Despite the high complexity of the game, it is very easy to use, and you can choose which areas you like to delegate to assistants. Use your tactical skills and motivate your team to bring them up to their top form at the right moment and win the trophies.

    If you are successful, you can also lead your national team to become the next World or Olympic champion.

    • Train and manage your hockey team from the lower leagues to the top of ice hockey sport
    • Take the job as national coach and lead your team to World Cup titles and Olympic victories
    • Huge range of functions with training, tactics, transfers, stadium, fan support, farm teams and youth teams, merchandising, private life, stock market, real careers, and much more
    • Easy to use thanks to the intuitive e-mail system and the many assistants
    • Action-packed presentation of live 3D games, with full control of your own team in real time
    • The community- and editor-functions make it easy to create and edit all leagues in the world – including players, jerseys, sponsors, referees, and much more. The exchange with other players is easy via the Steam Workshop.

    The post A new entry arrives in Hockey Manager 2020 (PC) appeared first on GM Games - Sports General Manager Video Games.

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  11. In terms of PC gaming, the arrival of Franchise Hockey Manager added a solid competitor to the incumbent leader in Eastside Hockey Manager 1, you will find both games under our Hockey area.

    Now all of a sudden, a new development from Germany is entering the market. It will remain to be seen what kind of simulation engine, customization and longevity will come of this but for now, hockey sim fans will get a chance to be dazzled.

    One thing to watch is that Hockey Manager 2020 brings a 3D mode of gaming! This is usually an area where developers don’t want to cross when it comes to text-based sports sims. To us, this is an area could really push this game to huge heights.

    We’re seeing the growth of strong games coming to the handheld platforms but offline Windows PC gaming continues to be most visited page at GM Games. So let’s see what’s under the hood in Hockey Manager 20 | 20 from Netmin Games.

    About The Game

    Enjoy the state of the art hockey management. Accept the challenge and lead your favourite club as a manager and coach to fame and fortune. Whether in Europe or America, the game covers all facets of our favorite sport.

    You have complete control over the sporting and financial aspects of your team. You determine the team’s player squad/lines, training, transfers, sponsors, merchandising, stadium, amateur/youth programs and much more. All the important decisions lay in your hands.

    The action-packed 3D match day allows you to change your lines and players in real time. The game world is almost infinitely expandable via the editor.

    Despite the high complexity of the game, it is very easy to use, and you can choose which areas you like to delegate to assistants. Use your tactical skills and motivate your team to bring them up to their top form at the right moment and win the trophies.

    If you are successful, you can also lead your national team to become the next World or Olympic champion.

    • Train and manage your hockey team from the lower leagues to the top of ice hockey sport
    • Take the job as national coach and lead your team to World Cup titles and Olympic victories
    • Huge range of functions with training, tactics, transfers, stadium, fan support, farm teams and youth teams, merchandising, private life, stock market, real careers, and much more
    • Easy to use thanks to the intuitive e-mail system and the many assistants
    • Action-packed presentation of live 3D games, with full control of your own team in real time
    • The community- and editor-functions make it easy to create and edit all leagues in the world – including players, jerseys, sponsors, referees, and much more. The exchange with other players is easy via the Steam Workshop.

    The post A new entry arrives in Hockey Manager 2020 (PC) appeared first on GM Games - Sports General Manager Video Games.

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