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  1. 1 point

    Feedback & Reviews

    I'm the programmer of Australian Football Coach (the Aussie Rules GM game), saw your game was free, and decided to try it out. (Will purchase the next version.) I want to start out by commending you on your work on the game - for what it is so far it's very well done. I really appreciate the customisation as well. - Minimise clicks! I want to be able to suspend a player from the message screen as opposed to having to remember what they did. I also want to be able to warn a player instead of suspend them. I also want to be able to kick someone off the team for say a DUI. I don't like having to go to the team screen, remember who the player was, find the player on the roster, and then suspend them. - Minimise clicks! There's a lot that can be improved with regards to recruiting, the basic model is good, but a "recruiting budget" and "scholarship limits" are really important. The best games I've played with a recruiting element were The College Years and that college basketball mobile game, where you had to continually invest to get players to come to your school, including calling them or visiting them. I'd like to be able to do that without any additional dialog boxes. - Along those lines, I don't know if you get emailed recruiting rankings at the end of each year, but recruiting rankings would be neat, especially if you could tie a "get a top 100 recruiting class" or "get a top 10 recruiting class" into the coaching expectations - I generally like the game screen, but things move a little bit too quickly for me, and I like a fast-moving sports sim. Again, I'd minimise clicks by removing the drop-down menu for each play. Can you make each play a button with a diagram of what the play does? - I thought the game had soft-frozen when I played my first game, as I thought "simulate game" on the game screen meant the entire game would be simulated as opposed to starting the game. - If I choose to play out the game, a "sim to quarter" button would be nice in case I want to speed things up. - Part of things moving a little bit too quickly - I scored a touchdown and had no idea what had happened, since the PAT was performed automatically (no 2pt conversions?). A touchdown cutscreen would be nice, along with a clear indication of a turnover, and a more clear indication a first down has been achieved. Also, an incomplete pass does not show up on "last plays". - Everything that just happened on the last play should be displayed to you. You just get say "54 yard returning" but you don't know who returned it. You don't know what defense the opposition played, either, you have to look up top for the down and distance and time. What would also be nice is allowing your coaches to sub in players if you decide to call the game, and end-of-quarter/end-of-game clock management options such as "call timeout after play" or "spike ball after play", "tell players to get out of bounds", "run the full play clock (after run/completed pass)" as options. - I'd like it if the game stops when you receive a message instead of having to do "next day" or "next game" and automatically takes you to the message screen. - More stats on the game screen! You get touchdowns and yards, but not attempts, completion pctage, or interceptions. I'd like to see overall team statistics and a drive log. - I know you can edit the XML files, but I'd also really appreciate an in-game editor, even just for team names. - This is less optimal, but I'd love to create a college football world where I would be able to either create my own playoff, or go back to the BCS days and only have 1 play 2. In terms of playoffs, the way I do it is by creating specific games, and then seeding specific games with specific teams (IE team #1 plays in this game), and then have those games have winners and losers ids with the id of the game that the winner participates in and the loser participates in (there's a double chance in Aussie Rules, so the loser games are important, and allow you to create some very creative playoff structures.) If the game hasn't been completely scheduled by the time it's ready to play, if one team is scheduled it gets a bye to the winning game. - Could you put the dates of the games on the bowl games screen? - You have first & 10 even if the goal line is less than 10 yards away. Also, on some offensive penalties, the down and distance do not update. - I think the scoring summary should be ordered descending in time (most recent plays first, or at least have the option to do so) and include the score at the time the score occurred. - The end of the game updates to "Quarter 5" - There's an official logo in the game I would be very wary about using. I would also be more careful with some school names - go with Palo Alto, South Bend, Los Angeles, Westwood, Waco - Wyoming shot up to first in the rankings after winning the "Week 0" game and then were out of the rankings entirely the next week. Also, a "previous ranking" would be nice to show on the rankings email screen. Probably easiest just to skip the very first week of rankings than to fix things, but the rankings are a bit too variable. You could also have "power rankings" and then a fixed ranking where it's really hard to move down if you win (reputation + preseason squad skill) - The AI had a long clock draining 4th quarter drive down three touchdowns - simple AI which runs the ball with a lead or passes the ball when behind to save the clock would be neat (even better would be tying this in with different AI coaching philosophies.) - It's really slow to load and to move between days - perhaps include a loading bar so I know it hasn't crashed. - For whatever reason I can't play the game windowed, and it doesn't appear in the task bar when I alt-tab. Lots there, but great work so far. Looking forward to the next version. I've also made a couple plays, will upload them for you if you'd like.
  2. 1 point

    NFL Football

    If i could choose to be 41, with 3 nfl mvps ,4 superbowl mvps, 5 superbowls and a hot supermodel wife who has 400 million in her own bank. but have to have people I never meet diss me. Id take it . In a second