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Prestige Mode Team Offers

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When you pick Prestige Mode it gives you 3 team offers, if you go back and then reload it you get 3 different team offers. Not a huge issue but if there are more than the initial 3 teams it might be better to show more options on the screen?


Unless it's them 3 teams that are offering at that specific time and when I go back I'm reloading the game? 

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On 1/4/2021 at 9:36 AM, CTGames said:

Sorry I have missed this one, but we will look at it for the next release

It's very minor just having more choice is nice I guess! Either way keep up the great work. The game is already very addictive!

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Is there a way to hire your own coordinators before year one instead of the guys that are assigned to your team?

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