GM Games

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Posts posted by GM Games

  1. Hello everybody We are happy to announce the release of version 0.2.0 :-) As written in the roadmap the main focus has been on optimizing the gameplay simulation, and we think it starts to look like something more realistic. It is an area we will get back to over and over again, since we think there will always be the need for minor tweaks. But for now it is good to good, so please let us know if we need to change anything else in that area. On the depth chart selection we have changed it a bit, so instead of a pop up window it is now a selectbox. This is done because we feel it is easier to use, and we didn't like the use of the icon for getting the pop up window. One of the issues which has been reported is that on smaller display resolutions the continue button gets hidden behind the o...

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  2. Hello everybody As promised last update we are currently focused on optimizing the game play simulation, so it is more balanced and hopefully more realistic. The first thing we have implemented are some updates to the tactics page, so we now both have carrier (on running plays) and routes (on passing plays). We have also changed so different plays will be usefull in different situtions/downs and also added the possibility of setting the percentage of play selections being passing plays or running plays. The reason for the focus on the tactics is that it is used to optimize the game play simulation. Now we no longer just get a lot of long plays but instead get different types based on ex. the routes on a pass play. Of course there are still room for improvements, but we think we have accomp...

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  3. Hi everybody First of all we are happy to announce that we got ourself a forum over at ( ) so please check it out and use that for inputs on the game. We are also glad to announce the release of version 0.1.2 which can be downloaded here on In the couple of weeks since last release we have focused most on implementing all GUI screens. This means that almost all screens are done we "just" need to implement all the logic behind them. One example of this is the transfer portal where we have started on it and also coded a lot of the functionality but we are still missing the core logic behind why a student wants a transfer, why he selects a specific college for transfer and the logic about immediate transfer...

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  4. Early this week I informed all league commissioners that waivers was now available as an option, and soon it will be standard in Auto Leagues. This feature allows leagues to enforce a waiver process before any team can claim a free agent. When an owner attempts to sign a player, he will be directed to create a claim for the player. If his roster is full, he will have to select a player to drop if the claim is successful.Custom leagues can decide how many players each team could acquire (up to 10) during each waiver cycle, which happens after each set of sims. Commissioners also have three options for the waiver order: standings, strength or custom. Standings probably makes most sense during a season, but in the early stages of a season a commissioner might want to use team strength, or base the order off other rules and make a custom order.Commissioners can also manually trigger a waiver cycle via the Commissioner Tools. This could be handy if you're trying to create a fair way to complete rosters before a season starts, but keep in mind, the Supplemental Draft is a bit more robust because you can have the CPU select players for a team. That doesn't happen with waivers.For Auto Leagues, this will eliminate the unpopular "Day 3" Supplemental Draft and the "Day 6" free-for-all. I am open to hearing ideas on how best to implement this, but here are my thoughts:

    1. Teams will draft 23 players like they do today
    2. Once a league starts, teams can create waiver claims (instead of ranking players for the supplemental draft as they do today).
    3. Nothing would happen after the first game, but after the second game, teams would be able to add one player via waivers after each game of the season. This would give every team 16 hours to rank players for the first round of waivers, but even if you miss the first round, you're only missing out on one player instead of three, as is the case today with the Supplemental Draft.
    4. Waiver order would be determined by team strength for the first 10 days of the season, and then be based on standings for the remainder of the season.
    5. Drops would be turned on after the second round of waivers (after Day 3). At that point most teams would have 25 players. The two minor league spots would also become available.
    6. Free Agency would turn off during the playoffs, same as it does today.
    I hope to start rolling waivers in Auto Leagues soon, so send me any thoughts!


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  5. Hi everybody, This past week have mainly been used for updating parts of the GUI and some refactoring of the code. On the GUI side we have optimized the way recruits are shown on the screen, so it should now be easier to navigate through the all recruits. We have also optimized the way recruits selects which college offer to take. For the emails view we have also done a couple of updates so it is now able to contain images. It sounds like an easy task, but it turned out to take much more time than expected. We have also looked into the GUI for simulating a game, but we are not sure that the changes we have made are actually working, so that might be changed soon again. Of new features we have started on the transfer portal but it is still very much in the upstart phase. We are also gonna...

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  6. I'm excited to announce we finally have new mobile apps up on the Apple and Google Play stores! Just search for PennantChase and you should find it. It may take a few weeks for the app to appear under keywords like "sim baseball"... because of this, I am going to try out some ad campaigns to drive more users to the apps (and thus to the website). The app itself isn't much different from the last version, but the old version was busted and outdated. Drop downs had stopped working, logins had stopped working, etc. Now that the redesign and apps are complete, I am hoping to put more resources into driving more people to the site so we can fill leagues faster and keep having the robust community that PennantChase has become known for.And there's more on the way - waivers is almost complete. And, well, my big pet project I cannot discuss at this time, it's going to take a while to complete, but I'm excited about it. All in all, with the recent improvements, I'm excited for PC's future!


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  7. Happy #WolverineDay everyone!

    Today marks the 13th anniversary of Wolverine Studios and we are celebrating in a BIG way.

    But before we begin the festivities we want to send a huge shoutout to YOU! Without your support we wouldn’t be here today so thank you so much for all the games you have purchased throughout the years. If you know of some friends who would like our games (or even a few thousand friendly strangers on your social outlets) please share this blog post with them today as there will not be any better day throughout the year to jump on board with the games.

    The first thing you’ll notice (hopefully) is we’ve refreshed portions of the site. We love changing things up and keeping them fresh and we hope you like the new design.

    Second, we’re have a MASSIVE sale today. This is the first ever #WolverineDay and we’d like to make this a thing going forward every May 1st. ALL of our games are priced at $13 today to celebrate our 13th anniversary – no coupon codes needed and no limits. It’s a perfect chance to get that game you were on the fence about or to buy a few for some of your friends. That means you’re saving over 60% off the normal price. That’s the biggest sale price we’ve done – it’s like Black Friday on steroids!

    As a famous TV personality said “but wait, there’s more!” EVERYONE who makes a purchase on site today will be entered to win one of these beauties.


    You could be walking around town sporting an official Wolverine Studios t-shirt. There aren’t many of them out there – it’s a true collector’s item.

    Maybe you and all your friends already have all of our games but you still want that awesome t-shirt? Well make sure you’re following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram because we’re going to be having like and share contests there with giveaways today.

    We hope you enjoy #WolverineDay and we hope to make this the start of something big every year. Thank you again for all of your support in the past 13 years and here’s to bigger and better things to come in the years ahead!

    p.s. here’s a link to the webstore – we’ll see you there and feel free to leave a comment below. We want to know who came to our party!

    The post Celebrate #WolverineDay With Our Anniversary Party! appeared first on Wolverine Studios.

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  8. Hello everybody, A lot of progress have been made since last update a couple of days ago and the main things are: Turnovers We have implemented so we now have both fumbles and interceptions in the game. At the moment it is "only" possible for the defence to recover the fumble, and they will also try to return it (both interceptions and fumbles) for touchdown Recruits On the recruits side we have updated so the recruits will select which team they are going to. It was also been added so the computer controlled teams will sent offers to the different recruits. New season We have changed so the start of a new season also updates your team. This means that all senior recruits will be set to the teams, all seniors are removed from the teams and all players are moving up a class. Future release...

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  9. Today for #FeatureFriday we’re going to prepare for acelebration and take a look way back at the reason for celebrating – thefounding of Wolverine Studios!

    I started Wolverine Studios in May of 2006 but that wasn’tthe start of my programming “career” and I wanted to use the blog this week tokind of talk about that and also give some hope to others who may be aspiringdevelopers (ps – we’re always looking for new faces in our developer lineuphere).

    So in order to develop a game, you need to spend tens of thousands of dollars and years of your time getting a degree, right? I guess that could help but I didn’t. I’m totally self-taught in computer programming outside of two high school classes in Pascal and Basic (wow does that bring back some memories). My degrees are in Sports Management and Communication and a Masters of Business Administration and up until Wolverine Studios became my career my job was in accounting…so, in other words, nothing whatsoever to do with computer programming. It is with that background that I have developed multiple product lines and many versions of those games and started my own software development company – if I can do it, so can you!

    It all started out of a selfish need. I loved the Front Page Sports series back in the 90s and was so excited when I saw in one edition of their quarterly magazine that there would be a FPS Basketball. Finally, my favorite sport would be getting the management side that made FPS Football and Baseball such fantastic games. There was nothing like those games at the time and they not only engrossed me in hours of my own franchise but opened up to me the world of playing in online leagues and eventually led me to run my own FPS Football league for many years.

    But sadly FPS Basketball would never come to fruition andSierra Sports eventually died out which led me looking for other options. Onceagain I would find new baseball and football games to love but this time in theform of text simulations. Out of the Park Baseball and Front Office Footballgave me hope that there were people who loved the idea of being a GM more thanthe idea of mashing buttons. Off I went in search of that elusive basketballsim. I found a couple but they just didn’t do it for me. They just didn’t havewhat I wanted in a game or they looked way too much like a spreadsheet. Ineeded more and there was only one way to get it…do it myself.

    I bought a book on programming and of course, made the usual “Hello World” program and felt I was ready to take on the world of programming. Well, it wasn’t quite that easy. I got stuck over and over again, making mistake after mistake and spent umpteen hours of searching online for examples of how to code and then applying them to what I was doing and you know what? It worked! Piece by piece I was able to slowly build a program. My code wasn’t clean and it wasn’t the way someone with a degree or proper training might have written it but it did what it needed to do. I eventually developed a working prototype called Franchise Hoops (I would love to find that old code somewhere) and showed it off to this new company I had come across called .400 Software Studios. They were building a stable of sports games and they were willing to give me the opportunity to head up the pro basketball line!

    That was a long time ago and my experiences eventually led to me starting my own studio in May of 2006. Thirteen years later and we’re still going strong and have added more than just my games to the product line. Brooks Piggott has been a huge reason for our continued success with his line of football games and hopefully, we will continue to grow with the games we have and some new ones too! I think that’s cause for celebration and so that’s what we’re going to do!

    On May 1st we’re going to celebrate with WolverineDay! We’ll have a special one day sale and some other surprises too. We hopeyou’ll be part of the day and we thank you for being part of our Wolverinefamily – especially those who have been here since day one. I also hope that ifyou have the desire to develop a game that you’ll get some hope and inspirationfrom this blog post – believe me if I can do it so can you! And who knows maybeyou’ll end up being a developer right here at Wolverine Studios.

    The post #FeatureFriday – Wolverine Day celebrates our history appeared first on Wolverine Studios.

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  10. Hi everybody We are now ready with our first demo (sort of playable) of our little game. The demo is mostly made to give a look and feel of how the game will look like. At the moment you can set your depth chart and also simulate the games (early take on it), but there are still a lot of stuff to do. To run the game just unzip the downloaded file, and run CTFootballManager.exe. The game requires .NET to be able to run Please give us some feedback of your thoughts of the game so far.

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