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Welcome to the CTFM forum

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Hello and welcome to the forum for CT Football Manager.


It is still a game in progress but please feel free to comment, give suggestions and anything else.


We will from time to time ask for help with different aspects of college football since we don't know all the mechanisms around college football ourself, so we hope that you will be willing to help us  :)



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just a heads up Norton doesnt like this  very much it wont allow the game to run and thinks the exe is a virus so Norton users will have to work around that to get it to work


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quick question, when i sim to the start screen of playing a game, i never got to call plays or do anything. the after the game loaded, it showed i have 1 win and 7 losses, even though i never played all the games yet, and my schedule is still in august. im not sure why that happened.

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Just bought the game and love what I am seeing so far! Will pay full purchase price when project is done as I have been dying for an in-depth college game! Looking forward to the updates. 

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