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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Note - I was not sure what section to put this dynasty in as it covers a number of different sports but since baseball will be the primary sport it goes here. I have done several multiple sports dynasty reports in the past and recently started another one, but this time with a bit of a twist. It will be slightly different in that the universe will revolve around an OOTP online league I am in. Normally, in my solo dynasty threads I would sim very quickly through the years which was great for building a history but I often missed out on a lot of the little things that occurred in my universe so tying my dynasty report into an active online historical league forces me to slow things down and progress at the pace of the online league. In addition, it is sort of a first step towards what for me would be the perfect online universe I would love to participate in: one which, ideally historical based, that has not only an OOTP league but also a football, hockey and basketball league that all are online leagues running in the same time period with for the most part consistent GMs in each loop. I have been around since OOTP2 but rarely played online leagues, always preferring to do solo replays and almost always documenting them in a dynasty report. That changed several months back when I discovered the Figment Baseball League (which I am also doing a dynasty about and several other GMs and the commissioner do ones as well). I realized just how much fun playing OOTP in an online environment can be and my second league (the AA Replay) reaffirmed that notion. [URL="The AA Replay AA Replay[/URL] was created by board member Cooleyvol and with just 8 GM controlled teams is a nice small league with an outstanding group of involved owners, each of whom I believe really appreciates the history of baseball. We are just finishing our second season, 1937, right now but this is not a standard historical league. The 16 MLB teams are there of course, but they are all AI controlled as our 8 managers instead run clubs in the American Association. The premise is the AA has become a major league of it's own and many of the rules for player acquisition in this league are quite unique. There is no amateur draft to speak of. Instead the AA teams get the real players who played with their organization that season and we are allowed to draft or protect up to 6 other players who either spent time in the American Association before moving on to the majors or were born within the American Association league footprint. There is also no color barrier in the AA so players like Satchell Paige and Cool Papa Bell make up some of the 6 protected slots. It makes team management quite interesting as you are forced to make some tough decisions on who to protect each year. Anyway, what I have been doing is running congruent solo sims of the other major sports of the era and documenting them on our league Slack channel to go along with this league. I started this at the beginning of the 1937 season and decided I will now cross-post it here in a dynasty as well as the history only stays visible on Slack for a short period of time. SPORTS AND SIMULATIONS INVOLVED Baseball is of course the focal point with our OOTP league. The league has no minors and major league players are assigned to their real team (except those who pass through the American Association such as Ted Williams who will join Minneapolis for the 1938 campaign.) I will cover the happenings of the American Association in it's struggles to be considered a peer of MLB, but for now at least the American and National League's will dominating my baseball writing. I am using FHM6 to sim out the NHL history. I have the draft disabled so players get assigned to the team they debuted with in real life and I have enabled the FHM development engine as opposed to using the recalculate ratings options. I enjoy using it as it makes the sim less predictable. For football I am using DDSPF20 and DDSCF20. The games have some limitations for historical play but I think I found a balance I can be happy with. No two-way players of course as the game won't allow it, but I have a custom 82 team college universe made up along with a 12 team NFL. My first season of the NFL was actually a 10 team league but I am forced to restart it as a new 12 team league because of a bug in the pro game that won't allow me to expand to the 12 team 1950 format. While the college game will have mainly fictional players I am rating all players who were NFL players or draft picks in real life and adding them into the game as high school seniors, meaning they will begin as collegiate stars and then become eligible for the NFL draft. Doing this means that there could be quite a discrepancy between stars in my league and real life stars because they all will develop differently through 4 years of college. (That and my individual ratings may not be very accurate for many of them). For basketball I am using Fast Break College Basketball and will add the Pro version of the game to the universe when the NBA begins in a few seasons. The college game is primarily fictional players and in a league I started in 1901 but I have been adding 30-100 real players as high school recruits each year starting in the late 1920s. I have also been adding some real life coaches (John Wooden is a former player in my sim and just took his first job as an assistant coach) but like the football portion of this sim there may be some real differences in who my star players turn out to be as compared to real life. I am also doing some minor golf, boxing and auto racing in this universe. The golf is done with an old freeware game called Quick Play Golf. I manually rated most of the participants but many of the all-time greats were already rated by the creator of the game. I also have about 25 courses for it that I will use to sim the tournaments. I am only going to play the four majors in golf. For Boxing I am use OOTP developments old Title Bout Game (TBCB) and just running it as single fights at the moment, simming out the heavyweight title bouts. I had an old DOS based Indy 500 game called Thomas Mink Indy 500 racing and it has every field rated from the first Indy500 up until about the year 2000 so I am replaying the Indy 500 each year as well. Really the only major North American sport of the era I am missing is horse racing but I just can't find a good quick game to simulate the triple crown events. So those are the sports involved. My next couple of posts will be some backstory on the events I have already simmed out through 1937 to get us caught up to where we are now in our online league.
  2. 1 point

    recall and assign

    Not sure if mentioned, so i will apologize if it has and I am just being redundant. The Process of having to go to a players page, let it load, click on assign/recall, let it load, then authorize that choice, then let it load, is rather annoying. Could it be possible to set it up so that when you are on your roster page, and you click on a player, and the pop up comes up with his ratings and traits, at the bottom, like how you can simply click on "add to shortlist" or "remove from shortlist" have another bottom that we can assign/recall that player? That way we can just quickly go down our roster list and do it all from one page in a much faster process.