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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Hi Everybody

    Been playing Bowl Bound for about 3+ years now. Thinking I may be looking to join a league.
  2. 1 point

    NFL Football

    He needs to stay. Colin Cowherd made a good point. Russel Wilson, Carson Wentz or none of the quarterbacks paid like him have a plethora or top receivers. He has Devante Adams who is probably top 3 TBH and everyone else he needs to make work. Thats why he gets the big bucks. They should have drafter for defensive help IMHO though. Love is for the future just like Jimmy G. If Aaron keeps playing at a high level they will do Love just like they did Jimmy. I watched all packer games last year and aside from 3 games he had a fantastic season. They ran in the red zone a lot more accounting for Aaron Jones touchdowns but that could easily been another 10 for Aaron (Who did not complain might I add) Take it from a die hard cheese head ;)
  3. 1 point

    [SOLVED] All Menus Struggling to Load

    Same here. Everything else loads fairly good, but manager page takes sometimes up to 15 seconds to load (up to 30-40 seconds on tablet).
  4. 1 point


    thank you very much for your work @pdx107. you are true heroes in france
  5. 1 point


    I am working less days, I work in healthcare so otherwise things are just stressful.
  6. 1 point
    Paul T

    [SOLVED] All Menus Struggling to Load

    Is this still happening to anyone? All pages are fine, except the Manager page. It takes this 15-20 seconds to load.