
Totally here for the downloads

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On 4/26/2017 at 1:15 AM, Rad said:

I'm a terrible person, I know, but...


You might hear from me again???...

But probably not. Thanks, though!  :ph34r:

heard dat

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Hello everyone,

I must admit i am here for the same reason.

I hope they understand that by keeping this essential mod behind this "make 2 posts to download" policy they are not getting any new users here and they are harming the game. Mods and access to mods should be open to the game's community.

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Samesies. I can understand Chris wanting to get something out of all the time and effort he puts in for the mods.


I'm not really a GM game kinda guy, (these sorts of simulation games are fun but once I start playing I can't really commit that much time to any one game) I don't even like sports all that much. I just happened to buy a copy of DDS Pro Basketball 2022 a few months back, looked into the game a bit more and found out that it has mod support.


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We still out here posting for the downloads. There's definitely worse things than having to make a couple forum posts! Especially considering the photo pack is almost essential to play the game.
Thanks Fam!

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I have to admit I'm mostly there for the same reasons... however, I'd be down for exploring the forum a bit further!

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I just "learned of" this site ... today ...
I'm looking for something along the lines of XOR ~ however
a bit more advnaced, not too complicated ...
just right ... would be fine ...

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