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I need some help. I created two user profiles on this because the first one did not work for some reason. I created an account sometime ago that never worked. I needed to use a new EM that I never really use. I would like use my regular email. I tried to have a new password several times sent to my email on my old account but never came. anyways. I was wondering if I could get some help on this issue.

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1 hour ago, DaveGM5 said:

I need some help. I created two user profiles on this because the first one did not work for some reason. I created an account sometime ago that never worked. I needed to use a new EM that I never really use. I would like use my regular email. I tried to have a new password several times sent to my email on my old account but never came. anyways. I was wondering if I could get some help on this issue.

Youre on right now so which one do you want?

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