I fudged up. I deleted or don't remember how to open the real team's file. It's downloaded. The ORIGINAL with fake teams pulls up just fine. Legit teams won't. Can someone give me a hand please? I never got to play it back in September, now's my chance and I can't remember how to do it. I've downloaded and checked it out once before with the real rosters. But now, my brain is mashed potatoes. By the way it is probably very easy for the first person to read this but it's 3:08 am and I'm going to be in the hospital until at least January 27th, so I promise that I'm technologically like box of bananas dumb with these things.
I fudged up. I deleted or don't remember how to open the real team's file. It's downloaded. The ORIGINAL with fake teams pulls up just fine. Legit teams won't. Can someone give me a hand please? I never got to play it back in September, now's my chance and I can't remember how to do it. I've downloaded and checked it out once before with the real rosters. But now, my brain is mashed potatoes. By the way it is probably very easy for the first person to read this but it's 3:08 am and I'm going to be in the hospital until at least January 27th, so I promise that I'm technologically like box of bananas dumb with these things.
Thank you for maybe helping. Seriously.
- BGfromKC
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