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[Video] DDS:PB22 Let's Play: Detroit Pistons Rebuild

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On 3/23/2022 at 2:12 PM, fear said:

good luck i'm watching all your videos


On 3/24/2022 at 1:42 PM, deekyplays said:

Cunningham and Simons is some backcourt. Nice moves.


On 3/26/2022 at 11:22 AM, Faux said:

Good luck! Hope it goes well. 

Hope you guys stick around past the 2 posts required for downloads! 

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How is Draft day,  ive played a bit of Football Manager and love it,  LOVE total extreme wrestling.  But when i tried the demo for this game, it didn't really connect with me. I played maybe 30 minutes day one. and then just never opened it again.. Gonna watch this for some inspiration. 

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I downloaded this game for the first time yesterday, and I had to start with my Pistons. I ended up trading for Giannis and making the finals in like year 4. I got fired that year for going into the luxury. Good luck with the series it looks like a good watch, I'll definitely check it out.

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