
Detailed GM Games to Recommend?

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Right now for the past couple years I have been playing Out of the Park Baseball. But recently I've been trying to find Basketball and American Football games like OOTP21 and thats when I found DDS: Pro Football 21. Thats what I'm playing through now and it is pretty good


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Here are some good online ones I play

Hockey Dynasty - Ice Hockey

Broken Bat - Baseball

Hardwood Online College Basketball -ย ย College Basketball

All are free to play


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Hey guys, I'm new.ย  I feel lame for asking you this, because I feel like it probably gets asked by every new guy here but what's the most detailed GM game in your experience?ย  I've played OOTP and it really reignited my love for baseball.ย  I wish someone would do it as that detailed for basketball, but I think DDS is the closest and it's not really that close.ย ย 

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As far as detail and expansiveness Football Manager and FHM/OOTP are miles ahead of the other games. I absolutely love the Wolverine Studios games also dont get me wrong but they're not the same level.ย 

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