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Continental Football Association (DDS: Pro Football 19 League)

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Currently we're full in the CFA, but I recently started up the CF2 as a waiting list league (as my league has gotten a lot of interest recently) which is an 8-team league but I'm more than willing to expand next season to however many owners I can get.


If you're interested in joining feel free to check out our Rules Page here and fill out a form here.


The goal is to eventually move all of the CF2 teams to the CFA and make a much larger league (the CFA currently features 24 teams).



CFA Commissioner

Robert Cole

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Would really like to fill these teams this weekend. Free Agency is set to start Tuesday and these teams need an owner. Vegas has a ton of talent but they're in a tough division and Philly needs an owner dedicated to turning them around. They were thought to be in the playoff hunt but struggled last season.

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Is this still active?

I know this post was almost a year ago but the CFA hasn't gone away and won't in the foreseeable future (we've been here for 9 real life years). In fact, the CFA Universe of leagues has a minor football league (CF2), collegiate football league (NCFA), baseball league using OOTP17 (UBA) and will soon be introducing an hockey league (WHF - World Hockey Federation) using the soon-to-be-released FHM5 from OOTPD.


The CFA does have 3 openings currently, London Bulldogs (we have two London teams next season), Jersey (currently New Jersey) and Cologne (currently Colorado). If you interested let me know via email at [email protected] as I don't check this forum very much (as you can tell lol!).

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The CFA is absolutely alive and kicking.. We are in the offseason of our 21st season! We just moved to the PF19 platform and have our fingers crossed for OOTP FOF9 to have online play when it finally releases...


We have several openings, a team for any occasion (playoffs, decent, rebuilding)! If you're interested in more info, hit me up via email at [email protected] or visit our website (please don't respond here as I don't visit often)

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Hello all,

I'm Ed and I just joined up here looking for an online league or two. Please let me know of any openings and/or new leagues. 

Email me at [email protected] or message me on here.



Edited by lordlau1

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Is this a league that plays on the Football Pro 98 platform? (new to this forum)

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