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Video Diary of FIFA Manager Bhurst99

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Since it's Carragher's last game before he retires, he's going to start the final game. He's done very little this year but I'm saluting him for all the times I've used him in past FIFA games.

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So here's where we go from here:

1. I thought about continuing this dynasty in FIFA 13 but with FIFA 15 featuring every Premier League club's home ground and chants that was too tempting to pass up. I will play the PC version of FIFA 15 because I don't have a next gen console yet.

2. For the sake of continuity, I will see what jobs I am offered within FIFA 13 now that I have been fired from Liverpool. I will pick a team based on the jobs I am offered and then use that team in FIFA 15. Obviously, I'm going to try to take a job at another Premier League team.
3. I'm still the manager of England and have two games remaining in FIFA 13 to see if I qualify for the World Cup. We're currently first in our group. We will play our final two games against Austria and Turkey in FIFA 13.

4. If we qualify for the World Cup, I will use FIFA 14 (PC) and the World Cup mod at to play the 2014 World Cup. (I can't play the 2014 World Cup in FIFA 2015 because FIFA 15 starts after the World Cup).

5. The World Cup will be played before I resume my club career in FIFA 15.

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