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Everything posted by Statybininkas18

  1. I am thinking on buying one of these games, but not sure which one to pick. I have played FIFA 19 and am a big fan and was even excited for the new one. But then I heard they lost Juventus – my favourite team – to Pes 2020 and now I’m not sure I even want to try it. I did find Pes at an affordable price, but do you think I should buy it at all? Has anyone played previous versions? Do you think it’s better or worse than FIFA?
  2. forums are one of the best places on the internet for people who are not really social in real life, No probs haha!
  3. 4times per week Day 1 chest triceps Day 2 back biceps Day 3 Shoulders/ deadlifts Day 4 legs Every day is an abb day And the three free days of the gym is for running, swimming, or climbing.