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Everything posted by bhurst99

  1. Isn't the timing of this demand just wonderful?!? Agger wants out and now Skrtel is demanding a raise. I can't afford to lose another defender with a 80 overall rating. We'll try to stall dealing with this until after the transfer window is closed. I need the salary flexibility to sign other players.
  2. I'm surprised Manchester United and Chelsea need replays. United is my next opponent and I kind of wish I had faced a tougher opponent before dealing with them because you know my Xbox 360 controller skills are going to be lax after such a walkover.
  3. FA Cup Round Three: Gillingham vs Liverpool [video=youtube;S9sWbrFvXes]
  4. It's time for our first FA Cup game against Gillingham. Here's a look at all the third round matches Here are the results of the earlier rounds
  5. So the transfer offers have started rolling in. We give the middle finger to Real Madrid because there is no way we are selling Suarez. We made a counter offer to Juventus for Agger. We don't want to drag out negotiations because we need the cash to buy a defender to replace Agger who wants out. But we aren't willing to accept their low ball offer of $13.5 million.
  6. Well, this just sucks. Agger has been complaining all season he wants to move and the Board has agreed. Where am I going to get another CB with a 84 overall in the transfer market? We'll sell him and hopefully find someone decent to replace him. This is a real blow to our chances of winning the title.
  7. Liverpool vs Sunderland, League Game 21 [video=youtube;K1_owHlKVfU]
  8. I really haven\'t concentrated too much on that. I probably should be more focused on that. I only have one scout. Maybe I should hire another?
  9. Well, it turns out we have pretty much nothing left in the budget. $1 million isn\'t going to get me anything worthwhile. We\'ll have to sell some players to get some transfer funds.
  10. We're on a pretty easy stretch of games right now but that's going to change starting Jan. 13 when we play top of the table Manchester United. We're going to see if we're a serious contender for the title or just a pretender. United trounced us 4-0 earlier this season. We end the month with games against Manchester City on Jan. 26 and Arsenal on Jan. 29. Look for a lot of reserves to find the pitch for our first F.A. Cup game on Jan. 5. Since it's January, you know what that means: We'll have to take a look at what we have in the budget.
  11. QPR vs Liverpool, League Game 20 [video=youtube;IWjezyWGC3A]
  12. On the negative side of things, Gerrard and Cole, are seeing their ratings tumble. Despite the decline, Gerrard is still have a wonderful season. But Cole has been brutal and will be transfer listed. Most of the 12 Premier League games he has played in have been as a substitute but that's little excuse. We may need midfield help. We do have more young talent on defense and up front. I've barely played Coates and Pacheco so I'm surprised at the jump in their ratings.
  13. Continuing with my mid-season look at the team and the soccer world, here's everyone who has scored this season for Liverpool Hmm, I guess I should get Sterling into another game after he scored a hat trick in the only Premier League game has played. Abdellaoue has been invisible since early in the season when he scored his four goals. Since I've already talked about Suarez enough this season, let's look at two young upcoming strikers, Borini and Assaidi. Both are improving quite nicely. Assaidi's overall rating has jumped three points. We're going to be set for the future.
  14. A look around Europe at the halfway point of the Premier League: Barcelona already nine points behind. Surprised how well Valencia is playing. No title this year for Juventus. They're well back. Udinese is a shocker.
  15. A quick look at the Npower League to see who is making the push to join the Premier League next season
  16. Since we're at the halfway point of the season, I thought I would take a look around the league and Europe. First a look at the leaders in the Premier League. Suarez is having a season for the ages. Gerrard still among the best in assists and even Reina is among the top five in clean sheets.
  17. Liverpool vs Stoke City, League Game 19 [video=youtube;7cMekGSmtJs]