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Everything posted by bhurst99

  1. Southampton vs Liverpool, League Game 28 [video=youtube;9AxXuo0IZfg]
  2. Thank goodness. We need some of these injured defenders back desperately.
  3. Wigan vs Liverpool, League Game 27 [video=youtube;frx5ud_93oM]
  4. Henderson has been decent but he has the potential to be great.
  5. A new month means a new scouting report. I'm not sure what to make of this. Under Wright it says his potential is in the 72-78 range but the top end of his marking and tackle numbers are pretty good.
  6. The calendar turns to March and with it some good news. Our next FA Cup match is against Brighton which should be a win. We have five league games and England has two tough away World Cup qualifying games against Sweden and Switzerland.
  7. Liverpool vs Swansea City, League Game 26 [video=youtube;SF6vJnwTNu0]
  8. We were knocked out of this competition very early by Manchester City.
  9. Show us the money! Well, it's not much money but it's better than losing.
  10. Liverpool vs Aston Villa, FA Cup Fifth Round Replay [video=youtube;-fBlGwXg7a8] That got intense.
  11. We can't afford to lose this one and still expect to be manager next year.
  12. Of course, one of our defenders got injured. That's just how this team rolls. I might have to turn down the injury slider.
  13. August 12, 2012 Some say winning is everything. But in the pre-season winning isn't always the best thing. A week ago the Buffalo Bills were hungry to prove to new coach Bryan Hurst that they were ready for a new season, eager to learn and show the world their determination to make the playoffs. But now just days after a one-point victory against the Washington Redskins, Hurst saw a bunch of players who believed their press clippings. The desire to quietly study the playbook had already been replaced by a need to show swagger, to beat their chests as though to say "Look at me!" after every tackle and every pass batted down. This was the side of football Hurst hated: Bravado over brains. The belief you were better than you were and this curious desire that your opponents must show you respect even though that respect hadn't been earned. After C.J. Spiller rushed for 170 yards and Ryan Fitzpatrick had gone a perfect 6-for-6 against the Redskins, the offensive players had become insufferable. Spiller was openly talking about rushing for 1,500 yards and Fitzpatrick was telling receivers the offense should average 30 points a game. After Fitzpatrick overthrew an open David Clowney in practise and shrugged his shoulders, Hurst had enough. You couldn't afford to make mistakes like that and shrug it off. Fitzpatrick, a Harvard graduate who had one of the highest scores ever on the Wonderlic Test given to NFL draft picks to test their intelligence, should have known better. He should have known that as the starting quarterback, he was the de facto leader of the team and that many would take their cue from his attitude. "That pass right there would have been intercepted by Devin McCourty and taken to the house," said Hurst. That got everyone's attention. Hurst had deliberately chosen a safety from the hated division rival New England Patriots for maximum effect. "Not this year," said running back Fred Jackson. "This year it's our turn. This year we've got the weapons to match them touchdown for touchdown. They're not going to disrespect us no more." "Fred, how long have you been here?" asked Hurst. "Six years," said Jackson. "And how many years have you heard your teammates say, 'This is our year. We're going to beat New England. We're going to make the playoffs," And how many times did it come true?" Jackson was silent for a few seconds. Everyone knew the answer was zero. "Ah, C'mon, coach. That's not fair," said Fitzpatrick. "Not fair. That's perfectly fair. Aren't you guys tired of lying to yourselves about how good you are? Yeah, you guys are good enough to play in the NFL. Congratulations. Now how about trying to earn that big pay check. How about not being afraid to turn on the highlights on Sunday night," Hurst was yelling now, making sure everyone could hear. Players were crowding around, beginning to grumble. "We'll show you. This is going to be our--," said Jackson. "Stop with that 'Our year' garbage," Hurst was talking fast now, angry. "You know what you guys are. You guys are the Buffalo Bills, the laughing stock of the NFL. Twelve consecutive years out of the playoffs. Twelve consecutive seasons of bad football players. Players who thought they were all that until Sunday exposed them for what they really are: frauds." "You forgot the 12 years of bad coaching," said defensive back Terrence McGee. "I'm sick of losing like everyone else but I believe in my guys." "You can believe all you want but don't disrespect the game," Hurst held a football in his right hand and he pounded it with his closed left fist. "Don't tell me in August that you're going to beat the Patriots. I don't want to hear about your fantasy. I don't want to hear about anything but the play we're currently working on. Until we get each play in the playbook right, I don't want to hear about beating anyone." "Hurst is right," said defensive end Chris Kelsay. "We played well against Washington. Big deal. I'm tired of the optimism every Fall only to see us make mistake after mistake in October. No more mistakes." Hurst threw the football to Fitzgerald. "Back in formation. Let's run that play again. This time I want the pass to be lower and toward the sideline where it can't be intercepted." It was humid and Hurst was now sweating like a matador in a Spanish bull ring. He couldn't wait to return home for a cold beer.
  14. Inter Milan vs Liverpool, Europa League Playoff, Second Leg [video=youtube;5JMcIoByRRY]
  15. Gerrard has been great. I often need to sub him late in games due to fatigue but he always gives me a good 75 minutes.