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Everything posted by bhurst99

  1. Liverpool vs West Ham, League Game 31 [video=youtube;zgWLKbcxkis]
  2. The end of the season is approaching and since we're out of the FA Cup and long eliminated in the Europa League we only have four games. We're going to need positive results against Manchester City and Chelsea to have a shot at playing in Europe next season.
  3. He has only played nine games this season, but Coates is quickly establishing himself as one of our back four starters. At just 22, he has a very bright future with the club.
  4. Aston Villa vs Liverpool, League Game 30
  5. It's back to club football with Liverpool. We got eight games left to grab a berth in Europe next season. Time to turn this thing around and have Suarez feast on some poor opponents. Feast might have been a poor word choice. Good to get the oldtimer back. We need all the help we can get at the back, especially after we seriously overpaid for him.
  6. Things are looking good. Surprised I've been able to pull off back-to-back clean sheets.
  7. Aug. 15, 2012 As Bryan Hurst saw the rage in the man's eyes, he pushed through the paralysis of fear to reach for the phone to call 9-1-1. There wasn't enough time. "Stop," Hurst blurted out. He raised his shoulder, turned his body in his chair and tried to shield his head to guard against the impact of the blow. He closed his eyes and waited for the sharp pain from this 6-foot-7, 326-pound giant. But all he heard was crying.. Hurst opened his eyes and saw that Colin Brown was now sitting in the chair -- the same chair a moment ago Brown had lifted above his head and was preparing to throw at Hurst -- with his head in his hands bawling, tears running down both cheeks. All this because Hurst had told the Buffalo Bills center he was cutting him. "What am I going to do?" Brown sobbed. Hurst had no idea. He was just glad it didn't involve assaulting him with an office chair. "The only thing I know is football. It's been the only thing I've been good at my entire life and now that's over. I can't believe this is happening," said Brown. These were the stories you never read about on blogs or in newspapers. For every fantastic NCAA college standout who made the NFL, there were hundreds, maybe thousands, who had their dreams crushed and had to find life in the real world. "There are other teams. Maybe your agent can find you another team," said Hurst. "Let's be honest, coach. Backup linemen don't get cut from Buffalo after the first preseason game and get picked up by other teams," Brown said, his voice rising. It was true. Hurst knew he had to calm Brown down fast before his demeanor changed again and he turned into the Incredible Hulk. "You're right," Hurst said. Best just to agree with everything Brown said. Hurst had no idea this normally mild-mannered midwestern player from Missouri was going to erupt like a volcano. Brown had barely said a peep since Hurst had arrived as coach. That's why he never anticipated there wouldn't be a problem when he called Brown into this office alone to deliver the bad news. Hurst had been incredibly naive to believe that even Brown could see the writing was on the wall, that he wasn't nearly agile or powerful enough to be a successful NFL center. How could Brown himself not see it? Brown was the only cut Hurst and owner Ralph Wilson had to make this week and it had been an easy decision despite the fact he had been in the league for a couple of seasons. "I'm sorry, coach. I don't know what got over me. I was just so angry when you told me the team no longer needed me. Football has been my whole life," said Brown. "What am I going to do," Brown started sobbing again, just when it appeared he was regaining his composure. "You've got a good education. There's plenty of jobs out there for young men with your work ethic," said Hurst. "I'm 26 and have no work experience outside of playing football," Brown replied. "I know you're a hard worker and quick learner. You'll find something," said Hurst. "If I'm a hard worker and quick learner why did you cut me?" asked Brown Hurst didn't know what to say so he meekly shrugged his shoulders. He didn't want to tell the truth and have the rest of the coaching staff find him dead with chair legs sticking out of his chest the next morning. How could he be so stupid to not have brought along one of the assistant coaches, Hurst thought. A minute of silence past while Brown looked at the floor. Hurst couldn't tell if Brown was still crying or if Brown was contemplating the most painful way to murder Hurst. "Coach, I've got a baby on the way," Brown said quietly. "I'm sorry but the decision has been made," Hurst said. "Why don't you share a drink with me?" Hurst asked. He had no idea if Brown even drank alcohol but he sure as Hell needed a drink. He dug out his keys from his pocket, opened the bottom drawer of his desk, pulled out a bottle of Crown Royal and two tumblers. "No, thanks. I know you've got a bus to catch with the rest of the team to get to the airport," said Brown. Hurst poured an ounce of Crown Royal into each tumbler, passed one across the desk to Brown, and quickly slugged one back. It felt warm going down his throat. "I'm going to go," Brown said, rising from the chair. "Good luck this season. I'm not up for talking to the other players. Tell them I love every one of them and I'll be rooting for them all season." "Good luck" Hurst stuck out his hand to shake Brown's hand. Brown simply opened the door and left without returning the handshake. Hurst watched him leave the office area and when he was out of sight, he sat down again, took the drink he had poured for Brown and drank it. "Never cut a 6-foot-7 player without anyone else being around. Lesson learned," mumbled Hurst.
  8. Switzerland vs England, World Cup Qualifier, Group Game Eight
  9. Sweden vs England, World Cup Qualifier, Group Game Seven [video=youtube;3C2iQ786tMo] x4o&google_view_type#gpluscomments
  10. Liverpool vs Tottenham, League Game 29 [video=youtube;yn4B2jFwzoQ] x4o&google_view_type#gpluscomments
  11. My pesky scout tells me it's time to sign players. So we sign these three with the highest potential ratings. They each get $500 a week and a $30,000 bonus. Hopefully, I've spent wisely.
  12. Liverpool vs Brighton, FA Cup Quarterfinal [video=youtube;uXtJhCS9mls]