
All-American College Football '95

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Greetings (again), Earthlings ๐Ÿ—บ

I recently acquiredย All-American CollegeFootball '95 (old DOS game)
~ which came with numerous/various years for each/every Team ... (โ‰ˆ90ย teams)

A half a dozen AACF95 teams came with generic names/colors etc :(
The stats seem to be correct stats for the teams "they are supposed to be" ...
So, I now just wanna figure out how to edit/change the team colors/logos ...

I am (now/atm) in need of some "Tech-Help" ...

What I "need"/want is someone to help me with some "Hex-Editing" ... (of the "compiled" files) ...
I have (so far) "figured out" (
implementing a Search&Replace with NotePad++)
how to "hex edit" some team details, however, not (yet?) Team colors/logos ...

ANY "techie" Hex-Edit "geeks" "out there"ย !?

I would be willing to "negotiate$" how to "make it worth your while" ~
just help me "figure out" how to go about editing/changing the (
compiled) Team Colors/Logos; then I'll "do IT" ...
Seems to me that the Team Stats/Data (
90 teams @ โ‰ˆ5 years for each Team) could/would be valuable ...
for use with NCAA sims !
HELP, please !!!


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