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So tryn to download Football Mogol 2012 and  nothing happens. any suggestions as to why it wont download. The other games work fine to download


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If you are trying to download one of these games on a computer on a public library, it may not be allowed. Some libraries have filters that can manage the type of files that can be downloaded, to prevent malware. On most of these download filters, a message is sent to the manager every time a blocked software is attempting to be downloaded. I would recommend not trying to re-download a program on a public device, as doing it too many times may have your account locked. If you are using a school issued laptop, downloading something like this, is most likely blocked, also to prevent malware from entering the schools data base. Since your computer is being monitored, any blocked attemps are recorded, and by trying to download something too many times, your account could be blocked as well.

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