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OOTP 21 vs 22

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I love the OOTP series. Have played it since 18.Β  I've also bought every year since then.Β  My honest question is this:Β  Is it worth dropping another 30-40 dollars for OOTP 22?Β  Can I just find an updated current roster to download for 21?

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I'm curious to know the answer to this as well. I just discovered OOTP last year and played the heck out of '21. Probably going to buy '22 simply for the current rosters but am curious to see what others say.

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Honestly so far 22 isn't wowing me as much as 21, it seems more of having to buy to get good players (or I'm having bad luck and less money to buy extras).Β  Β It has improved some of the graphics and some settings, but I had mostly played dynasty so some of the other modes, hard to say so far.

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