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  1. Hey all, Just wanted to jump in here real quick and give Eric some support. I first learned of DF via an interview he did on Operation Sports, after reading that a few times, all the while telling myself "he's really making this game?...no dude really, he is?. SWEET!" and well, sort of being my odd freaky self. :-) I headed over to his website, joined up, annoyed him here and there and choose to back the kickstarter, as I believe DF will be an outstanding, open, customizable and truly high quality fun and enjoyable game. i don't want to come off as a fan boy, so I'll just leave it at that. Check it out though, read the interviews, Q&As and Eric's write ups, he has a boat load of ideas and is implementing all of them as quickly as he can. Here's the Community Q&A url at Operation Sports...he's neef btw. http://www.operationsports.com/forums/other-football-games/750236-community-q-dynasty-football-creator-eric-kneipfer.html Take care,