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Everything posted by Jewlz

  1. Jewlz


    Hey guys, I'm looking for a about 6'0" Dman, 67-69ov with around 70 in DEF PHY SPI END. I got good skilled forrwards and offensive dmen at the 65-67ov range PM me if you'd like to cut a deal.
  2. Is there a thread about how the training options (off, gen, def) affect players attributes? Some attributes like passing or skating might be treated as all 3 options.
  3. That is pretty awesome to hear! Thanks for the clarification
  4. So if a player will be developing up until he's around 28-30yo (from age 17-18) and lets say he reaches 100% each year in one (and the same) skill category - his max point upgrade in that skill category will be 10-12pts?