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  1. Also random....Not related to FPS 98...but did anyone ever play Quickhit Football? That was awesome. I don't need graphics, and not a million variable as long as the sim is decent. I miss that game as well.
  2. I wish you had the original FPS Football. 92 or 93? No NFL all made up. Loved the ability of making my own plays, and being the coach. Call the plays/manage the roster with no control over the actual players. I still have the old floppy disks but no way to get them on my modern computer let alone run them Anyway. So I downloaded and was able to run 98. Am I missing something on setting up plays/playbook? Not sure how to edit them in this game.
  3. Nice. Wish they'd bring back NCAA Football. Lost my disc in one of my moves
  4. Just wanting to get some old school Football Game