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5 ways you can improve your ESA dog's sleep

Are you facing troubles with your ESA dog?

Is the little guy barking all night and not sleeping at all? Is it making your life miserable in one way or the other? It's ok to say “yes”.

We know that you love your dog and we know that they make you happy but sometimes, you can’t help but be frustrated. You might even be wondering why you got your dog an realesaletter. These feelings are normal. Natural even, so you should not feel guilty.

Free Photograph of an Adult Brown and White Corgi Stock Photo

But it's no secret that you need to do something about it.

You need to take concrete steps that will improve the sleep and sleeping patterns of your dog.

So that it can get a full night's rest.

But HOW do you do that? That’s the million dollar question that I will answer for you. I have come up with some tips that might just help solve your conundrum.

Have a look at them.

Tip #1: Separate Space

A separate space might be just the thing to make your dog sleep better. What you can do is this. Once you get an real esa letter and your dog shifts permanently in your house… you can set up a room for them. If you have the space.

Otherwise, a little area that belongs to only them so they can go there when they want to rest.

Tip #2: Soothing Atmosphere

Sometimes, all you need is a bit of quiet to go to sleep.

It is possible that there are too many noises and distractions in the area that you live. So, you can put up some relaxing music and dim down the lights to create a soothing environment.

I bet this will lull your dog to sleep in no time.

Tip #3: Routine Set Up

Set up a proper routine for your dog and see how it does wonders.

When you keep things consistent throughout your day and night then your dog is able to recognize patterns. So, setting up a routine will allow your dog to realize when to eat and when to sleep.

This means that they will automatically go to bed at night and you won't have to struggle with them.

Tip #4: Exercise

When you exert yourself with exercise, this tires you down and you sleep.

So, why not take your dog for a walk in the evening so that they can get a good night's rest? You can feed them, take them for a nice little walk and bring them home.

If you have a bigger breed of dog, then get them some proper exercise so they will get exhausted.

Tip #5: No Sharing

No sharing your bed with your dog.

I know it's probably one of the hardest things that you will do but you need to take this step. You will be tempted to take your dog to bed with you but then you will spend a lot of time playing with each other and this will disturb both your sleep.

So, it's best if your dog has its own bed.

The following things to consider are a bonus! Just for you!

Sleep Environment

Consider this, is your dog's sleep environment good enough?

Have YOU made sure that it's comfortable? It's not just enough to get an emotional support animal letter for your dog. You also need to learn to take care of your dog.

This means that they should get a bed, their own blankets to keep them warm and toys to bring them comfort.

Medical Conditions

If your dog is sleeping too much or too little, then it is possible that they may have some medical condition.

It's not necessary, but there is a possibility of this happening. So, if this is a consistent pattern, then you should get in touch with a vet and ask them how long your dog should sleep.

They will guide you better than I ever can.

Consider the Age

When a dog gets older, it tends to sleep a lot.

Similarly, when it's younger and full of energy, it does not sleep and likes to move around a lot. So, before you go around judging your dog, consider their age. Are they young and active?

If so, then you need to find a way to get this energy out of them.

Breed Impacts This Too


This is so important. Your dog’s sleeping patterns depend on their breed as well as their age.

Some breeds of dogs are a bit lazy and sleep too much. Others, like the little Chihuahuas are too energetic and do not sleep a lot. So, ask contact a vet, tell them about your dog’s breed and ask them how much your dog should be sleeping.

They will know the best.

Seasonal Changes

Have you ever felt super sleepy when you are warm and cozy while it's freezing outside? I personally feel very sleepy in the winters and this is a human trait.

This is something that we share with our dogs as they too are affected by seasons.

So, it's possible that your dog is not sleeping due to these seasonal changes and this problem is only temporary.

So… try out these tips.

And if you STILL don’t have an ESA letter, then my suggestion to you is to get it online. You will find many websites that are willing to get you an emotional support animal letter .

Just make sure that these websites get you in touch with a REAL therapist or medical professional and that you get a letter signed by a professional.

More Resources :

Top 7 most intelligent and calmest canine varieties

Mood-boosting benefits of emotional support animals – 2023

ESA letter for housing - how to get one for you?

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