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Posts posted by Colly

  1. 47 minutes ago, SecretAgentMan said:

    Ragin Cajun still plays in some leagues over at SimNation, though, so if you do end up giving it a try, there's several active multiplayer leagues that can be found over there. Still an active (though small) community for a game that's been around a long time.


    I did give a cursory look at SimNatiion, maybe I'll take a closer look.

  2. I originally purchased 22.  Did not like the "dark mode" so refunded it.

    Bought CF21, enjoyed it so bought PF21 but then refunded it and bought PF22 again (it was on sale).  It's incrementally better but honestly not much to write about.  I'm still not convinced by the dark mode UI and that was one of the major changes but it is a solid game nonetheless.  Apparently the player personality traits are supposed to be a major influence on team building but frankly it does not appear fully fleshed out.

    Anyone unsure about which version should checkout some of the GMGames YT videos on both versions.

  3. If you've ever played Football Manager or its predecessor Championship Manager then you know there's only one answer.

    OOTPB tries hard and I enjoyed my stint with FHM7  but we definitely need a NFL or college football game to offer the depth and immersion offered by FM.

    I'm currently playing DDS:CF21 and PF22, Front Office 8 and PSF22.  All are "okay" but way behind FM on all fronts.  I'm hoping the DDS:PF series can make big gains, but having now played 21 and 22 I'm not at all convinced.  

    My personal observation is that the US football games appear more centered toward online sim leagues in a more general manager mode and their gameday play almost seems an afterthought bolted on to appeal to those other players.  I believe that's a much smaller niche market.  FM addresses a much larger single player niche of building a management career with unequaled depth. 

    C'mon SI buy Wolverine and feed their obvious passion with your gameplay and UI experience.  After all, 30 years ago SI was just two brothers operating out of their bedroom.

  4. Hello all,

    I've been watching the GMG channel on YT and thought I'd checkout the forum.

    I've been a CM/FM player for 30yrs... dang that just makes me old!  I'm now also playing, and enjoying, the DDS franchise games with a splash of OOTPB and FHM7 thrown in for good measure.  I currently own and play FM22, DDS: CF21, CB21, PF22 and PB22, OOTPB22, FHM7.