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Posts posted by VyktoryJaye

  1. I like watching someone do both depending on the sport, and the type of stream. I tend to sim most of my games, but try and play out games with consequences. In soccer, I play out all major cup games and one league game a month plus the ones for positions on the table. In baseball I play out the first of each series, in NCAA i play all of them out and in basketball I play one game per in-game week. Then I cut the stream into episodes and put it into my VODs. I notice though that people can get bored if you stop talking and stop checking chat, so keep up with chat and make sure even in downtime, that you're talking strategy, plans, or whatever... even if no-one else is in chat.

    I mean, this is the strategy that got me to Twitch affilliate after all, but each community and streamer is different, and that's fine! It's about finding what works for you. :)

  2. Hello, my names Vyktory, and I'm a Twitch streamer from Australia who's been lurking these forums for years but only just joined because of the downloads section being locked now. I've been playing sports management games for over 18 years (and I'm almost 25 so that says something) and one of my favourites of all time is a niche PS2 game that only released in Europe once, and never in the USA named Let's Make A Soccer Team!, a mainly Japanese title by SEGA before they acquired Sports Interative, though my first ever sports management game was Championship Manager 99/00 which I played in 2002 at age 6 on my dad's old PC in between messing around with Age of Empires. I might not have quite understood how to play but I did like messing around and making my opponents play 0-0-11 and lose by 30-odd goals. XD