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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    How I started.. Playing Sports Sims

    Baseball Stars on Nintendo. So many hours. In College in 1998 I started with DMB baseball. Just thew away the floppies. LOL>
  2. 1 point
    I started playing management sims way back in the days of the Sinclair Spectrum. Soccer management sims such as Football Manager and The Double, Wasted many hours of my youth playing those games.
  3. 1 point

    How I started.. Playing Sports Sims

    As a Brit born in the mid 70's I didn't discover NFL until the mid 80's. I sat with my mom and watched a Denver Broncos game featuring John Elway. Later on I caught a San Fran and they quickly became my team. Tried to follow it sporadically until I emigrated to Canada a few years ago. Now I can watch all the football I want. I played the Madden games to death but when it came to management games I could only find Football (soccer) management games, which I tried, but they never scratched the itch. I just discovered DDS Pro Football and am trying the Demo though I must admit, none of the rosters are filled so I am at a loss. Trying to figure it out. Wish me luck.