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Posts posted by creagle

  1. Regarding the ability to edit the player file, it's relatively simple to do and the game's datafile contains documents detailing what each player stat relates to in the .csv file. It does not allow you to edit the player skill values directly, but to quote from the editors guide in the datafile:



    Ratings in each category are on a 1-9 basis. These ratings are not exact. When a new career begins, Front Office Football uses the ratings in the player file only as a general guideline. Internal ratings are on a 0-1000 scale, and are partially determined by random chance. This adds to the replay value of the game, as you can not count on a player being a superstar or a dud in each new career.

    There is an option, when starting a new game of Front Office Football, to be more exact when importing ratings. What this does is greatly lessen the variability of the ratings selected for individual categories. A "7" in a rating will always be better than a "6". Without that option selected, the "6" could be better than the "7" in some random instances.


    Essentially, you are able to edit the player file to make certain players much better or worse than in reality and the game also has an in-built randomness slider you can turn up or down to add even more replayabiity and "what-ifery" to the game.