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Posts posted by denninbj

  1. So i last played in around 2010 and found the game confusing. The draft system never really appealed to me and seemed far too complex so i typically just simmed it. I also found it odd when i would play historical sims that i would draft a real life hall of famer and keep him in the minors for a couple years then bring up up an have him be terrible. I suppose another problem i had was the minor leagues, i felt them to be far too complex to manage all by myself so i would let that be automanaged. Every year i would trade for the top players and have none of them them rated as top prospect the following season. Also if i had a good pick the player would be in the major almost immediately, which i find unbelievable.

    I do not want to manage the actual games at all, just want to be the gm, as in make the signings, draft the team etc. And would consider moving the players up and down the minors and such if that is in my best interest. My big selling point is if the draft becomes more user friendly and if signing and finding foreign minors became a bigger part of the game.

    Give me you thoughts, and if i should give the game a retry.