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  1. Like
    chrisgaule got a reaction from ken bannister in PureSim Baseball 6 (PC) Full Version 6.12B   
    4.5 stars for a great game that allows a lot of cosmetic adjustments and does what I want in a baseball sim. According to Twitter, Shaun is working on a new baseball sim, so it will be exciting to see what is retained and what is entirely new when that finally comes to fruition.
  2. Like
    chrisgaule got a reaction from Autistic in PureSim Baseball 6 (PC) Full Version 6.12B   
    4.5 stars for a great game that allows a lot of cosmetic adjustments and does what I want in a baseball sim. According to Twitter, Shaun is working on a new baseball sim, so it will be exciting to see what is retained and what is entirely new when that finally comes to fruition.