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Everything posted by kicknbuckets

  1. Even if they (we, Raps fan here) manage to beat the Wizards later this week, it's still going to be a tough ask to make it to 10th, and it'd take a pretty big turnaround in form from the Wizards. But then "catching" the teams below them isn't exactly simple either. It's not like the Bulls are piling on the wins at the moment, and the Magic are 5.5 games back. I think if you're the Raps front office, you just live with the limbo, make sure the younger guys you want a look at get decent minutes, and see where you are come free agency.
  2. Hey! I'm new here. I'm a long-time player of Football Manager (from when it was still called Championship Manager)... and player of DDSPB21 since around an hour ago. Looking forward to figuring things out and being a member of the community.