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recruiting for new fast sim league

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I am starting up a fast sim league RANZBA -- -- and looking for interested GMs to fill it out.


Fast sim means a season in 2 weeks, with game sims running a full month, so there is less micro managing but no prolonged periods of down time. Sims are every weekday with 6 game sims, one playoff/draft sim and 3 offseason sims.


I am starting this since SLOP, the fast sim league I was in and really enjoyed, folded due to commish time restraints, leaving me missing my quick OOTP fix. Fast sim isn't for tinkerers, since it takes a bit more of the long-term perspective, but it can be really rewarding as a history quickly builds and players develop and grow much more quickly.


If interested just let me know.





BAL St Louis Brown Stockings


RANZBA: The Royal Australia-New Zealand Baseball Association -- FAST SIM


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