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I am from North Carolina and I must say the Hornets are the most mediocre franchise of all-time. They wasted Kemba and other than him there most notable historical players are Dell Curry and Kobe and he did not even play for them because they traded one of the greatest players ever.

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Any consensus thoughts on our offseason so far? I love the move for Buckner but am skeptical of Rivers success with us, 

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This is always a very interesting question. It shows what you value in a player and in a leader. I personally would pick Giannis or AD because they're at the top of their positions and still fairly young.

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My guess would be the usual play by a team with a potential free agent of his caliber.  See how the season is going up to the approaching deadline and do we have a real good chance at a championship.  If yes, run it out, take a shot at a ring, hope you get it and hope that makes him decide to stay.  If no, trade and get all the picks and young talent you can get. 

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