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    hadibae got a reaction from brusco in Front Page Sports Football Pro 98 and VPNFL   
    Hello fellas! I'm new on the forum and I'm interested in playing the Front Page Sports Football Pro 98. I have heard about the VPNFL files but don't know much about them. Are these files made for a specific league or are they NFL files that can be used for season replays? Are there league files for different seasons? Also, are there league files for different leagues, such as the XFL? Also, what VPNFL files would you say are essential to download and in what order for the game to work correctly Thanks in advance.
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    hadibae got a reaction from Chris in Front Page Sports Football Pro 98   
    Hello fellas! I'm new on the forum and I'm interested in playing the Front Page Sports Football Pro 98. I have heard about the VPNFL files but don't know much about them. Are these files made for a specific league or are they NFL files that can be used for season replays? Are there league files for different seasons? Also, are there league files for different leagues, such as the XFL? Also, what VPNFL files would you say are essential to download and in what order for the game to work correctly Thanks in advance.