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Posts posted by drewst18

  1. Worth picking up, yeah probably cause you can probably find it somewhere like a pawn shop for $5-10, but it isn't the greatest game.


    The ideas behind it were amazing, but it falls flat big time in the gameplay aspect. Unfortunately your team never does quite what you want it to, although hey that could be real to life for some of these frustrated head coaches.


    It has some amazing aspects to the game from the FA auction system (implemented into Madden 12) to the Draft which is broken up over 2 days and you are really involved, with not only your pick but the others. I tend to skip to my pick in madden, and usually see who each team picks in head coach.


    There are some ups and downs to the gameplay but you might be better off playing as a GM and just simming the games, cause the AI is frustratingly bad.

  2. That said army of researchers have announced that they are willing to work on a hockey simulator game for free.


    Palli, I don't know the extent of your coding or how far you have come, but if the problem is researchers than that is the smallest problem going as there is a team of pros who worked on EHM 07 who will help, not to mention 100s of others who would be willing to help for no charge.

  3. What an excellent game this is... I am VERY VERY Excited to hear that Madden has Hired the director of NFL HC to revamp the Madden 12 Franchise mode!


    It is going to be amazing!


    The raiders, what were you thinking! Expect to be fired in the month or so, Al Davis is a nut job!


    Huff is the man, I remember he was awesome coming out of Texas, was hoping my Lions would snag him! Looking at a big rebuild. Really there are maybe 3-5 guys on the offensive side of the ball that are worthy of starting


    IIRC the draft was terrible for QBs. Matt Ryan was alright but after that its pretty slim pickins. Huge on RBs although a few of them might not be rated very high like C Johnson and R Mendenhall. Was rather weak draft overall I think.

  4. Agreed!


    Just because a game isn't a text based sim doesn'r mean its not a sim.


    NBA2k is the exact evidence of this. When you make a game so deep that the career mode plays like a text based sim and the gameplay is better than any other game ever made in the game it is scary for developers of other things...


    NBA2k11 has a very good AI, A deep franchise mode. I play NBA2k11 as my basketball sim cause I don't know any basketball simulators that are this good and I don't ever play the game in my dynasty cause I am terrible at the game.

  5. I am a long time fan of basketball, but don't really get into it unless its March or June(Final 4 and NBA Playoffs)


    However this is the first season I have followed basketball from October -> through watching the entire NBA and NCAA season.


    anyway on to my question. What I am looking for is a Basketball sim that is comparable to EHM or OOTP. I would like a sim that allows me to play as NBA teams and have a NCAA college season with players entering the draft. I don't care about licenses, especially if their is an active community. The more customization the better.


    If someone could point me in the direction of a game that I can play an NBA season, and or NCAA season I would be greatly appreciative.

  6. My name is Drew,


    I didn't really help in developing this site but helped bringing some of the content. I, like Chris, am a HUGE sports fan. I love Hockey, Football, Basketball. I am a die hard fan of the Detroit Lions (Season ticket holder) and Red Wings. I have been playing sports simulation games back to NHL/Madden series, but found the simulation aspect wasn't to my liking and I found my way to text based sims.

    I have been around EHM scene for a while now, specifically online, and also am looking into newer sims in Football that will catch my interest.


    On a personal level I am still pretty young in my early 20s and still have the dream of making a living in sports one way or another. Right now I train MMA in southern Ontario and have been wrestling at a national level for the last 8 years.


    Looking forward to what GMGames can bring and hoping my upcoming articles can bring some big time action to the site.