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Eastside Hockey Manager (PC) Original EHM 1.18 - Full Version (PC) 1.18 Freeware

   (1 review)

3 Screenshots

About This File

As per GM Games:

This even works on Windows 10. Just make sure you install, copy files to install directory and run as Administrator.


Eastside Hockey Manager (2nd generation), commonly known as EHM or EHM2g is a freeware video game about managing an ice hockey team team. Complete with computer controlled AI teams and the possibility to set up online leagues to play against friends, it was created by a small independent team led by Finnish programmer Risto Remes and was coded in the Visual Basic programming language.

The game simulates the full NHL season and has a database of around 3,000 players and staff and features virtually unlimited number of seasons to play. 


Install instructions:

1) Run eastside_setup.exe file, install and remember directory
2) Copy all files from 'Copy these files to Install Directory'
3) Replace all if asked
4) Run as 'Administrator', this is done by Right Click on file name the file eastside.exe
5) BAM. You are using Eastside Hockey Manager (Freeware) 1.18 

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Great game, I played it more than 10 years ago :)


Edited by lubik83

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I'm getting a message that teh file can't be downloaded securely. ANy thoughts?


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